Feb 20, 2020 12:49 PM Collins Ouma
My dear beloved son, I am pleased at your obedience to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, this was the major mission I wanted you to come here for in Turkana.
Man has turned the grace and love I poured through My Son Lord Jesus Christ into idolatry and fallen into the trap of the enemy. Many of My Sons and Daughters have been caged by the spirit of idolatry and the Queen of heaven whom they call Mary the Mother of Christ. There is now no difference n from the Israelites who desired so much to worship a “god” they could see, touch and feel so they erected a golden calf in the desert and replaced it with My worship.
I am a jealous GOD. I do not accept any other worship besides Mine.No idols can stand in My sight. Am I that little to be compared?moulded?crafted? designed? grafted by the hands of men?
How deep is the deception to those who bow and worship these idols and images. They do not worship Me.
I sent you there to destroy all these abominations on the face of the earth. As you decreed upon all these idols erected at this mountain that has caged My people so shall it be established.No any other power shall be able again come at this place and restore these altars back. They are broken and shut down forever. Anybody whatsoever that will come after and try to rebuild them shall face My fierce anger and swift judgement and a sword of fire from My hand shall strike them just as you have decreed.
As I bring down these abominations here in Turkana, so does the other one in Rio De Janeiro and other places are brought down. They now powerless and their hold over the people have been destroyed. They have lost their hold over those regions they have been erected.I am releasing My swift judgement upon those regions. You will see My hand move speedily upon the abominations brought by these statues.
I am raising against all the other altars affiliated from these statues and their power and strength they acquire from these monuments.
I am quickly lifting My true church here in Kenya and all over the world who shall rise in great power and authority.
Any other power that substituted My worship are collapsing and falling bowing down to My great throne and power. Watch and see what shall happen to this great harlot of Revelation, the mother of all abominations.
I am lifting weeping, mourning and gnashing of teeth in their sanctuaries as I open the eyes and mind of My children still stuck in these places.
I desire true and pure worship from truth and spirit according toMy Holy Spirit not according to man’s creation and methodology.
Watch and see Son as I move My swift hand of judgement upon these altars the enemy has used for so long to cage and enslave My people. My hand shall move greatly in Rio De Janeiro
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