
Stop Praying The Cure Away – Whitney Eslick Manuel

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Stop Praying The Cure Away

10/8/24 10:39 AM
Whitney Eslick Manuel

10/8/2024 9:00 AM

This morning after family Bible reading and prayer, I had a very heavy, very weighty feeling in my heart/spirit. I don’t get these very often from the HOLY SPIRIT, but experience has taught me to listen because something big is usually coming. I shared this feeling with my 18 year old son, Matthew, who was the only one left in the room with me and at that point and asked him to pray. He did, and he asked the LORD to reveal His thoughts. I sensed this strong and heavy feeling had something to do with Hurricane Milton, as that situation had been our major prayer focus just beforehand. We waited on the LORD JESUS in prayer for His answer and then it came suddenly. I recalled how a few days ago I had been led to search up the names of the various hurricanes in the Atlantic/ Gulf regions. I did this because the LORD often embeds prophetic messages/ meanings into such names (there are very few coincidences with our HEAVENLY FATHER). The name “Milton” puzzled me. It means, “Settlement with a mill”. I thought, “What on earth does that have to do with anything?” and just kinda went on. Fast forward to this morning and our prayer seeking revelation into this burdensome feeling I felt in my spirit. I was reminded of Milton’s name meaning and then instantly the Scripture popped into my head from Matthew 18:6 where JESUS says,

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in ME—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large MILLSTONE hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

We have certainly been guilty of this in our country. We abort GOD’S children, His gifts to us in the womb. That ones who are allowed to live are entrenched in wicked propaganda and teaching through cartoons, TV, music, “stars”, influencers, the educational system, poisonous foods, medicines, shots, etc. Even in the church there is much wickedness, sin treated as nothing, false teachings, lukewarm and worldly preachings. Have we not offended the children? Have we not made them stumble?

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Now, if America is thought of as a head, what state would be the neck? Florida is not only situated low in the South, but as our only Peninsula state it is quite literally also shaped like a neck. And it connects on 3 sides with the depths of the sea.

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in ME”, JESUS said, “to stumble (or offend) it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

Please remember the sons of Issachar. They were touted in the WORD OF GOD to be men blessed and anointed with a knowledge of the times and seasons, spiritually speaking. And the great benefit of this knowledge and anointing was that they could then discern what Israel ought to do.

“And of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their kinsmen were at their command.”
-1 Chronicles 12:32

What should we, in America and across the world, do? How should we then discern the time we are in and understand the judgments that are currently befalling our nation and the world at large? What do we do with them? Do we rebuke the judgments/ calamities? Do we pray them away? Or do we seek the LORD JESUS for His understanding of these times and pray to be led by sweet HOLY SPIRIT in our prayers and reactions to these things? What should the people of GOD (Israel) do? All who are in CHRIST JESUS have been adopted into spiritual Israel so the spiritual template fits.

Remember when you were little? When you would get a fever? What would your Mom do back in the day to try to nurse you back to health? Well, besides some chicken soup, most mothers would give us a big helping of Tylenol or some other fever reducer. Years later we would find out that this wasn’t helpful at all. The fever wasn’t the sickness, it was the CURE! We learned that the fever was our body’s defensive action against the sickness that had invaded us. By our body heating itself up, it sought to burn out the invading parasite, virus, or bacteria that was doing the real damage. But our sweet Mama’s were accidentally chasing off the cure! We needed the heat! We needed to sweat it out.

I think we often unknowingly attempt to pray away the cure, spiritually speaking, these days. If we understood that GOD’S Righteous Judgments were actually FOR mercy’s sake, that they WERE in fact, GOD’S grace, we would not pray them away, but would learn to unite ourselves with the LORD’S own heart and mind and pray prayers of agreement with His HOLY SPIRIT, so that we would see the precious fruit of His Righteousness Judgments. The fruits are people experiencing the fear of the LORD. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. It is wisdom to repent! It is wisdom to call upon the NAME of the LORD JESUS CHRIST to be saved! It is wisdom to learn the lesson of discipline and judgment. Only fools hate correction.

Why, then, do the people of GOD despise the LORD’S correction? When we see His Righteous Judgments coming upon the earth, to try to shake the lost people and wake them to the lateness of the hour, to the door all but closed on the Age of Grace, why do we respond foolishly, afraid of correction? The LORD disciplines those He LOVES! Hear the word of the LORD and learn to love His Righteousness Judgments:

Isaiah 26:10 tells us that though grace is shown to the wicked, they DO NOT learn righteousness; even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil and do not regard the majesty of the LORD.

They won’t do it. Sinners can be given more and more grace, more and more time, and they just keep on keeping on being wicked. Keep on the road to Hell.

But here’s the CURE! Here’s the real GRACE, what you can even call SEVERE GRACE:

“…For when Thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.”
-Isaiah 26:9

Other versions say,

“For ONLY when you come to judge the earth will people learn what is right.”

Listen, some people come the easy way. It’s the kindness and goodness of GOD that leads to repentance. But some hearts are real stubborn. You know! You have some of them in your family. Maybe you were even one. Some people don’t choose the easy way. They’re going to choose the hard way every time. And that’s okay. GOD’S love is so great that He will provide the hard way if that’s what it will take to bring some people to their knees before Him. He is willing to dole out great and mighty judgments to reach the slowest of hearts, the most stubborn of souls, if that’s what it takes to save their souls from eternal Hell fire! He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance because He loves them. He made them. He knit them together in their mother’s womb.

Partner with GOD! Connect to His mind and thoughts, His plans. Time’s up, folks. The Rapture and ensuing Great Tribulation are already laid out on the table. There’s no time. Whatever it takes to open blind eyes, let it be! Whatever it takes to heat up the lukewarm, yes! Whatever it takes to put the holy and righteous fear of the LORD into the lost so that they finally learn wisdom and come to JESUS CHRIST with earnest hearts, let’s go!! Better a little pain, better a little trauma and cataclysm that leads to life eternal with the LORD JESUS CHRIST and His FATHER in Heaven than safety from all discomfort and hurt only to die in one’s sin and be separated from the love of GOD forever in the Lake of Fire.

Stop praying the cure away.
Pray the “Terrible Prayer”:

We thank You because You are faithful and good and kind at all times, even in judgment. Let Your will be done in all things. We pray for the people of the earth, we pray for our family, our friends, for everyone. LORD GOD, no matter what it takes, please bring them all to You. No matter what it takes, please do whatever is needed, no matter how difficult and painful it may be temporarily, to bring them to a place of humility, to repentance, to salvation in You, JESUS CHRIST. Oh, let it be as gentle as possible, but whatever it takes to save their souls. We pray the lost for You! The prodigals back to You! The lukewarm, the stubborn, even those currently steeped in evil. We pray for those caught up in witchcraft, satanism, gross perversions, we pray them all for You. Your blood knows NO BOUNDS! Your sacrifice knows NO LIMITS! You paid the price for ALL SIN! And while we know that not all will be saved, JESUS, we still pray for all of them, for all of us. Please leave no stone unturned. Whatever it takes, whatever it takes. We ask for Your grace. Ready us all for You. Prepare us all for Your coming. May as many as possible be Bride Ready. If any are to be left behind, please prepare them to stay faithful and not deny Your NAME or take the Mark of the Beast. Have mercy where You will have mercy. We trust in You. We wait on You. Please give us Your mind, Your heart, and Your HOLY SPIRIT to operate in instead our own. We thank You and praise You in all things. In JESUS CHRIST’S NAME we pray and ask all these things; we ask for grace. Amen~


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