
Spending More Than a Fleeting Thought with God – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Spending More Than a Fleeting Thought with God

2/16/25 9:24 PM


Many of my children think they are following me.  Many think they will be fine in the coming destruction (or will be raptured out).  Many believe knowledge of me with a few words parroted is enough to bring them to Heaven.  It is NOT!

How much time do you spend with your family, best friend, boyfriend or girlfriend?  This is the quality time I Am referring to.  I Am your Father and expect more than a fleeting thought.  My Son died for your sins, for your eternal life for the asking.  John baptized with repentance not with more sins piled on higher and deeper.  I hear your lies, lustful thoughts, coveting what your neighbor has.  I watch as you lie your way through situations (even with those you love), do damage to other persons reputations for no reason, and then think this is all permissible and fine by your creator.  What will it take to wake you up from your sleep?  What is needed to give you that ah- hah moment of clarity that you are not doing my will, but your own?

Wake-up before it is too late.  I wait with open arms to get to know you.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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