A dream & a few thoughts!
A few people have been asking me if I have heard ‘anything’ from the LORD concerning what we are now witnessing in the skies… I thought I would share this dream, and interpretation that I had on 7/20/24….as well as re-post a few others that I have received:
This dream was a bit bizarre to me, ( u f o ‘s have never been anything that I studied or followed), so I did not post it. However, in the light of what is happening right now, in the skies, it does not seem so strange!
In this dream, I was outside with lots of people mulling about. Apparently, there was some sort of school that was having classes outside. I was one of the teachers, and was to start my class soon.
As I was getting ready, I noticed that the students were young adults, who were gathering in front of me, ready for class. As I started teaching, I noticed something in the far distant sky….some lights coming right towards me.
Before I knew it, the students had fled, and, instead, right above me, about 20 feet high, were some drones hovering in front. I remember thinking that they seemed too BIG to actually be drones, for they were the size of a small house.
I then noticed that were in a ‘V’ formation, with one in the front (which I knew to be the leader), then two in the next row, then three in the next, and so on. I don’t remember how many there were…..but at least 10. The body of these drones were RED and BLACK….half, and half…..and they looked very sinister.
The front ‘leader’ DRONE, flew up right above my head. As I looked straight up, I saw a TRAP-TYPE DOOR OPEN! At this time I realized that this wasn’t actually a ‘DRONE,’ but an ‘ALIEN SHIP!’
Suddenly I felt this tremendous SUCKING POWER coming upon me, much like a VACUUM that was trying to suck me up into the aircraft.
I was able to stand up against its FORCE, by jumping to the side, away from the SUCTION BEAM, and GRAVITATIONAL PULL. As I escaped, I then woke up!
I believe that this dream points to an ALIEN DECEPTION that is coming! We will be seeing out-of-this-world alien entities, ships, and strange occurrences in the skies, as well as ORB-TYPE phenomenon.
The ‘drones’ in my dream were half black, and half red. The LORD has shown me, from previous dreams, that this combination represents Satan’s Kingdom, and his demons.
It is important to NOTE that no matter how ‘weird,’ or ‘strange’ it may get…..any ALIEN-TYPE BEINGS that come are not from the LORD. They are from the FATHER OF LIES, Satan, who is a deceiver, and a master of manipulations, and deceptions. This means that it will be hard to discern if we are actually witnessing real ALIEN-TYPE encounters, or FAKE ones that come from human technology.
Either way, we must remember that these are sent by Satan, and we must be very careful not to be DRAWN IN by their deceiving ways, and powers….much like the sucking gravitational pull in my dream! We are to FLEE and evil, and any appearance of EVIL!!!
“…reject every kind of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21
INSTEAD, we have been given ALL THE POWER of the NAME OF JESUS to REBUKE any such entities, or principalities of wickedness!
“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10:19
One question that can be asked, is about the ALIENS vs. FALLEN ANGELS. In other words, are the ALIENS, that are coming, actually FALLEN ANGELS….or just some sort of wicked principalities?
If we look at Revelation 12, it mentions about a GREAT WAR in heaven where Satan, and his angels battle against the MICHAEL and the HOLY ANGELS. Satan loses that war, and is then cast down to the earth, along with his angels.
I believe that when this happens, Satan will indwell a person who will then become the ANTICHRIST ,,,,just like it talks about in the very next chapter, Revelation 13.
Are the ANGELS that fall down, with Satan, a type of FALLEN ANGELS, much like in the days of Genesis? Are they what we call the ALIENS that come to invade earth? Or will they be cloaked in such deception, that they will just ‘blend’ in with humanity, and cause much destruction secretly? Only time will tell, as we see these prophecies unfold.
I do not have any of those answers, but only a ‘glimpse,’ of what the LORD has shown me! However, I do believe that what we are experiencing in the skies could be a precursor to what is coming sometime in the future.
“And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.
So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”
Revelation 12:7-9
YOUTUBE VIDEO: Space Ships; Aliens vs. Fallen Angels