Jan. 28,2019….words received early morning…………soon there will be a sign in town…it’s coming !…agitated…about face !…three hours…sound the alarm !..untold stories…run !…the day of the Lord…you tempted me ?..mudslides..millions of people…I love you…in exchange for the better…they fill your heads !…catastrophe …you will be silenced…lock your doors…shut your blinds…I have fallen away, not yourself…encircle…triumph...enjoy this time together…sell out…your mother spoke…based on the truth..( my mother once told me, while she was living in southern california, about the only vision that she ever had. an angel had taken her to a hilltop overlooking the ocean. the angel spread out his hands and told her that one day, not far off, the whole area would be under water.)…..ancient manuscripts…that was a tall order…the time has come…I will smash it…OH america !…many events are now unfolding…who are the chosen ?…flying saucers…not your brethren…looking up…important…close the doors !………………………..………………………………………………………………….today is april 8, 2019…i received a confirmation from the channel, Hishumbleservent.com…a friend of her’s was hear “bells” ringing…i too have been hearing them. i’ve been woken up by them as well…could it be related to the “alarm sounding”….Joel 2…..1 thess.4:13-8…1 corith. 12-13 ??……..
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