Dream, Trump, Vaccine

Shingles vax, DJT, and killing snakes – Cassandra

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Shingles vax, DJT, and killing snakes

10/20/24 4:31 AM


Greetings brethren, I haven’t had any dreams to share in awhile but I have had a few this past week.

I dreamed there were shingles vaccines readily available everywhere. They were displayed in what looked like pizza boxes. People actually wanted and were taking these. End of dream. I know these are already available, so am not sure why I was shown this. Perhaps there is a newer, more lethal formula (to kill off the elderly?), or perhaps they were trying to get people used to shots being readily available to purchase like a candy bar or pack of gum. There is nothing in the Bible about taking shots for healing, God is our healer. There are however verses on avoiding pharmaceuticals/pharmakeia which is drug sorcery and witchcraft.

DJT had “allowed” me to go shopping (for free) for whatever I wanted in a huge area (his underground bunker?) There were things there that were no longer available in stores. After that, a good friend of his tried to assault me and he just watched. I got away. End of dream. I have had numerous bad dreams about DJT and I know others have too. I pray that all believers who are putting their hope in this evil man are shown the truth. We must trust in God and not in man!

I dreamed I was either in or near some water and all of the sudden I saw SNAKES! So many, small ones to huge ones perhaps 30 feet long and a foot or more in width. I defeated them by speaking bible verses! They just disappeared. End of dream.

Blessings, encouragement, and shalom,

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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