Severe Coronavirus Pandemic Lockdown / “Say You Will Live”!
June 30, 2021 4:53 AM
Humbled for Service
1 Thessalonians 5: 16 – 18 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
This morning the 30th June 2021, I had a dream that I believe is from the Lord. It is a very interesting and perplexing dream and makes me marvel at how the Lord God is creative in all His ways. He is the Master-Storyteller. The dream is thus:
In the dream, I found myself walking in the streets of the CBD of Nairobi. I was alone, yet I was not alone. There were at least 6 people around me. I could see them, yet again I could not see them in that they did not impair my vision despite them standing all around me. Their presence did not obscure or prevent me from seeing anything that was far or near. And they were very close to me. Perhaps a foot or so on every side. There were two of them at the front, and two at the back, and one or two on both left and right sides. We moved as a small crowd. That is how it felt. Every movement I made was simultaneously copied by them at the very moment I made it. So that when I started moving, they were in motion. When I turned to look, they too were looking in the very direction. And when I stopped, they all had also stopped at the very moment I had stopped. So that no one bumped into the other. We moved the way a school of fish or a group of birds would move spontaneously in unison. Moving and stopping, twisting and turning all at the same time.
That is how the dream started. I was walking and I was heavily guarded on every side. And we were walking on the streets of the Business District of Nairobi. And as I started to walk, my heart was disturbed. Because all I could see from one end of the street to the other end, were closed shops. I saw roller shutters upon roller shutters pulled down. Every building had it doors closed and the windows were secured with roller shutters pulled down. From one end of the street to the other, there was no sign of life. Not a single person. No vehicles moving or parked. It was all completely deserted.
I walked this street and turned into another. And the situation was the same. Lifelessness, street completely deserted, no vehicle, no one in sight. I kept moving and I turned to the right into this building. The door was open and walked into the lobby or atrium of the building and walked to where a parcel delivery shop was on the left side of the lobby. The parcel delivery shop, together with all other shops were no different. They were all closed.
But there was a lady wearing blue security guard uniform. She was sitting alone on a stool at the left end of the lobby. I decided to walk towards her, to talk with her and find out what was happening. The following conversation ensued.
“Madam, where are all the people?” I asked.
“It is because of Corona. I am just here waiting to die,” she responded.
“No, you are not going to die. Say you will live and not die,” I answered her back, encouraging her to make a positive confession of the situation.
“No, but I am going to die. I am just waiting,” she answered me back.
“Say you will live,” once more I said.
“No but I will die,” she replied.
“Say you will live,” I said again as I now started to walk away together with the crowd that was around me.
“No but I will die,” she replied.
The dream ended.
Psalm 91: 9 – 12
9 Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
10 No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
11 For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
12 In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
Psalm 118: 17 – 18
17 I shall not die, but live,
And declare the works of the Lord.
18 The Lord has chastened me severely,
But He has not given me over to death.
We continue to wait upon the Lord for His soon deliverance from all the troubles of this world. Let us all be in repentance and praying that we are found worthy to attend the Wedding Celebration in heaven, for its time has now come.
Your brother in Christ,
From Nairobi, Kenya.
William, servant of Almighty God YHWH.