Scales Have Been Weighed and Babylon Has Been Found Guilty
9/19/24 8:45 PM
All is getting closer to where most will know, we are no longer in Kansas. The scales have been weighed, and Babylon, oh Babylon has been found guilty. Judgement is at the door. For those who have not heeded the warnings, dreams and visions will be taken by total surprise. They will be without funds (since they left all in the bank and the banks will fail). They will be without food (for most food will be hard to come by and very expensive if you can find it). Clean water will be difficult to obtain, and medicines will be in short to no supply.
Who will you count on then when all this transpires? The ones who created the problems in the first place. Man is not the answer, but God, our creator. Shift focus to shift your outcome. Change where change is necessary. Continue on a path of righteousness, kindness, and love as you forge your new path to I Am.
It is never too late to change who you are, but this takes effort and follow thru. As you make these changes, you show your light as you become part of my Kingdom. Get aboard the Ark as you slip out of sin into righteousness and know that I Am your Captain and commander.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos