Saved By My Faith
1/4/25 10:22 PM
I hear the wind, I hear the whistling of the wind (planes?), I hear the bombs. Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run. My mind races as my faith in the supreme Lord is strengthened. I call out to Jesus almost in fear, but yet calmly, “Help me Jesus, let this danger pass and put me on safe ground, in Jesus’ name I pray”. I am transported in my mind, out of the danger, securely tucked under my father’s wings. I feel total peace and tranquility as all sounds and commotion disappear into the background. I am supernaturally protected, now with no concerns.
I know each battle is fought with Words and Jesus as my shield and protector. I become one with him as I hug his wings and I am in the shadow of this protection. The battle rages on as it moves slowly away from us.
I am saved by the Lord and his protection. I am saved by my faith in him. My salvation rests in this faith I have put in him. I rest in my knowledge that he will be with me through eternity being the cornerstone which I rest on.
**Faith is what you will need to move forward. For no one will be safe in only their food, water, and supplies they have squirreled away. Your protection and your faith are one of the same. Without one, you will not have the other. Stay close to Jesus, your creator, without him you do not stand a chance.
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