
satan Will Try to Ensnare Your Soul – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

satan Will Try to Ensnare Your Soul

10/6/24 12:44 AM


Your life on Earth is only a shadow of your eternal life. Earth is a testing ground to see how you have advanced, learned, cared for others and if you have found your creator.

Life has many temptations put in place by satan, to capture your soul. He works diligently to put up snares and traps along the way. He is patient, cunning, methodical and does not give up, for you are the pray.

As you negotiate your way out of sin, he puts additional traps to re-immerse you once again. Prayer for my help is a major tool in escaping his grip.

Stay in my Word, stay away from unholy things (movies of the enemy, unwholesome music, etc.). Do not lie, cheat, cause unrest, kill, be prideful, cause friction between people, covet (wanting what others have), be without love, be sleeping around out of wedlock or partaking in sleeping with strange flesh.

The rules set up in the bible are there to guide you and show you the way to my Kingdom. They are there to refine you along the way. They are not suggestions but command (ments). They are what is necessary to get you on the narrow path.

Your love of me is extremely important, but without following the rules, is not enough. For those who love me will follow my rules. I Am fair and just, as you work yourself towards me. Stay focused and away from all sins as you march your way into Heaven.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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