
Rise up My Debra’s – Katie T

Deborah Praises Jael (Jud. 5:1-3,24-31)
Doré's English Bible Gustave Doré

Rise up My Debra’s

10/21/24 7:34 AM
Katie T

Deborah is the only woman who is both prophet and judge alongside two other men in Israel’s history – Moses and Samuel. The only woman among the twelve judges in the Old Testament. Her role shows that women weren’t always inferior to men since Deborah was called upon by God to deliver Israel.

Sisters , YOU have purpose in the Lord’s Kingdom.

If you are called by God, many times people will try to silence your voice. Minimize or correct what God is speaking to you and through you to His people.

Don’t be silenced. Rise up women of God and fulfil your purpose in this world. You were created for such a time as this.

You have a destiny that only you can fulfill. It is meant to be birthed in the earth through you.

Seek Jesus and Father God. Fill yourself with Him . Be filled with the Holy Spirit and look what He will do through you my sister.

Don’t let them silence you sister !
Rise up Debra !

Speak what the Lord has given to you and don’t BACK down !
If God be for you who can stand against you !

Don’t worry about the world just stand for Him. Serve Father God your creator !

Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Please watch this short one minute video from Pastor John Kilpatrick and be blessed in the Lord Jesus Christ today ! This will encourage you to be who God has created you to be.

Katie T


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