Repentance is America’s only hope
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Ali Winters
Hope is lost, dreams shattered, visions die and man is left to pick up the pieces of his fractured life. Without lesson or leadership he gropes around in darkness, digging in the dirt of discontent, amid depression, resentment and rage man struggles to control the roaring fire within.
Suffering millions, poor, poverty-stricken, drained of The Truth desperate for The Word; man seeks his own solution to the problems; solutions that exclude God, His Word, His Truth. Millions care not to hear, to recognize or believe but this does not change God. I AM, I change not. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is LORD (Romans 14:11 Philippians 2:10-11) That day is quickly approaching. All that you see, all that you hear are under My authority, My control. Think it not strange that these things are happening, did I not tell you? Do you not understand? Have you not read in My Word of judgment for rebellion, disobedience and unrighteousness? Much more is coming, pray for the nation’ repentance. Repentance is America’ only hope, IF you will, THEN I will. Refusing to repent, rejecting the ways of God, America’ foundations are rotting, her government in turmoil and confusion, her citizens filled with rage; while judgments pile one atop the other.
I see those who have a heart for Me. I see their travail, their tears, I hear their prayers. Know that your labor is not in vain. There will be a time of rejoicing for the faithful. There is promised a time of refreshing for the children of God. Be at rest, for there will be peace in the midst of the storms for the children of God. Continue to believe in My goodness and My love as you see all that must come upon this immoral and depraved nation.
IF My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN I WILL hear from heaven and I will forgive their sins and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
(Understanding the context in which this scripture was written and to whom it was written I feel it applicable to ALL those called by His Name, Jehovah God then Jesus CHRIST today – Jew or Gentile. This scripture had the power to change lives then and it has the power to change lives today. Let us not discount its relevance or importance to fallen societies today that need God to heal their land but strive to do as God has commanded; humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways).
ali at 4:34 PM
Original article can be found here