July 4, 2020
Thor-Egil Eik
Hear, hear, My dear children, and listen!
There comes a time, and it is now, when everything will be changed from the way you know it. Many of you have heard My Son’s words when He began His ministry on earth.
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
for He has anointed Me
to preach the gospel
for the poor.
He has sent Me for
to cure those who have one
broken heart,
to call out freedom for prisoners,
and for the blind to get the sight
to put the oppressed at liberty,
to proclaim a year of grace from the Lord.”
– Luke 4: 18-19
This year of grace has lasted for almost 2000 years, but now it is soon over! Therefore, I, the Lord, will say: “Call Me When I’m Near,” – Isaiah 55:6 “Call Me, I’ll Answer You, and Teach You Incredible Things!” – Jeremia 33:3
Call to Me now, and don’t wait, because you don’t know how long I will keep the door open. – Matthew 24:42-44 The sand in the hourglass is about to run out, and the people of the earth will experience what their hearts long for – A world without God.
Consider that phrase: “A world without God.” Has not the world been evil enough in a time when My church has flourished on earth, and everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved? Can you imagine what darkness will come upon the earth the day I take My church away? – Isaiah 60:2
Without righteous people on earth, will the world be full of injustice?
Without My Spirit, the world will be full of the Spirit of hate. Lawlessness will prevail, and love will be cold in most people. – Matthew 24:11-13
It is already changing, just before your very eyes. Hate flourishes, with lawlessness and riots spreading from east to west. My witnesses and people who spread lovingkindness and righteousness are censored and attacked, and soon no one will be able to hear about truth and justice anymore.
People on earth; you have got it just as you want: Everyone follows their own lust and their own truth, giving their voice to wolves who will eventually devour you and make you suffer.
The Word of God, the Word of Truth, and the Law of Righteousness, will soon disappear and be banned. Again, you will get what you want, dear children.
You have wanted My Word, the Bible’s words out of schools, city halls, and away from streets and squares, because it offends you!
Soon you will experience having got it just as you wanted. The Bible is going to be banned, and all creative content about Me or My Son, Jesus Christ, will be labeled as criminal, and offenses will be punished by death. – Amos 8:11-12, Matteus 24:9-12
But that’s not possible, you might think? Yes, it is possible, but only because I, your God in Heaven, allow it.
The devil and his entire army will roam freely all over the world, and they will keep the world in an iron grip. Those who have eyes and to see with, can see it already, and soon it is not only in China people won’t be allowed to work, buy food or travel if they disagree with their authorities. Soon you will experience the same regime all over the earth
– Revelation 13:1-10
But that’s not possible, you think?
You get it just as you asked for. During the pandemic, only a few voices shouted caution against all surveillance and control, while most of the world’s population felt that some “tougher measures” were needed to control the pandemic. Again, you have got what you wanted. Soon no one will be allowed to go to work or trade freely unless you have the vaccine certificate in order.
My dear children: I love you with an everlasting love and I do not want ANYONE to perish but want ALL to come to the realization of truth and receive My salvation made available through the blood of My Son. – John 3:16, 2 Peter 3:9
He was sacrificed to ALL people – once and for all, so that EVERYONE who calls on the name of Jesus must be saved. – Hebrews 10:10 There is NO Salvation in any other name than in the name of My Son JESUS CHRIST! – Acts 4:1
“Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart!” – Hebrews 3:15 But turn in repentance and seek My salvation on the day I am near!
Jesus My Son is coming back soon to judge the living and dead, and on that day, you cannot count on either the authorities or the UN to come to your rescue. Then there is only one thing that counts – and that is that your sins have been washed away in Jesus’ blood!
Your Father in Heaven, who LOVES you with an everlasting love
Original article can be found here