Repent and be Born of My Spirit – Gods Handmaiden
May 2, 2018 1:11 PM
This is a time indeed…the time that My Children, who are born of My Holy Spirit, will soon enter into My Holy Kingdom. I have prepared a place of rest and solitude to you, who labor earnestly for My Kingdom. Soon, My Dear Children, all is over. What troubles you today will vanish quickly away. I do not tarry. I am certainly on My Way to Receive Mine, who are cleaving unto Me. This is your darkest hour. Your enemy Satan is trying to deceive many. He is full of lies and deceit. Do understand this one thing, while you are patiently waiting. He is attacking The Bride daily. You are the Bride of Christ. I AM The only Risen King. You will not feel death’s sting, as My Children. It is many, who will soon perish in their own sin…fulfilling the lust of their mortal flesh. While you will be refreshed and rest…you will have one final test against Satan. Not a test of Salvation, for this Gift you have already graciously Received. You, Bride/Saints, will go to Battle, after My Wrath and time of indignation has passed. The Battle is already won, but all Written must be done to put an end to Prophecy.
This time that you are now in is as a man, who has been gone on a long journey. He is eager to get home. He is tired and worn out from his labors. Home is what he truly desires. I will flame the fires, once again. Just stay ready and waiting. With each passing event…STAY FOCUSED on what’s TRULY about to happen. A Rapture many don’t believe in will take place. Once Saved Always Saved…those living in much sin, will find out too late they were not truly Saved. They still need to Repent to enter into My Holiest of Kingdoms. I know the excitement you must feel. It is getting VERY REAL. When in this, My last generation, you can turn on the news and match current and worldly events up to Prophecy that needed to be fulfilled. Chills it must give you. My Coming is so nigh and so real. You, My Bride, can almost hear My Trumpet sounding. Warn and plead with those around you, to be ready…ridding themselves of folly and foolish ways. Not many days, My Children, left to wait. I stand at Heaven’s Gates…ready and waiting to Receive all, who believe. It’s not a dream, but the time is clearly real. Why you asking in so many who claim to be Mine…not discern the trueness of time. The answer is a simple one. They choose to believe in a lie. They are deceived by the enemy. As the days pass quickly by you, sense the time of My Arrival is near and you are correct for those, who are left behind…I am being kind. I wish all that say they are Mine would be ready to Dine.
Time is so short. You can beg for all Eternity that just one in sin would repent to enter in. Repentance is required. I am no liar. As Satan trapped and ensnared so many into a falsehood that My Walking…by Walking up a Church aisle…there is no need for Repentance…You are found worthy of My Kingdom, when you humbly live only to please Me…your King…Yeshua HaMashiach. Repent all ye, who remain in sin. Your Garments are stained and I strain to see your Light. Have I not Spoken in My Holy Word you must be born again of My Holy Spirit to see The Kingdom. Do not take this lightly…without Repentance, no one stands Holy before Me.
I AM Righteous. I have made you Righteous, but when you sin…your Light that should and must shine forth bright is dim and very weak. Some of you truly must seek your Father in Heaven. I intercede, but He Speaks unto Me, “You would not live unholy if you truly believed in a One True King.” You cannot go on sinning willfully and think you can just say “forgive me”. Names have been blotted out in ages past and today, as I Speak to My humble Servant, many upon many more are blotted out daily. Repent and be born again of My Spirit to enter into My Holy Kingdom. These Words heard today are no joke. Turn quickly away from all sin and repent, as often as I remind thee of unholy living. You can no longer live, as the world. You must be separate, even while living among them. Seek My Face daily, as we…Yes, I am holding your very hand …as we finish this period of Grace. Rejoice, My Children, when you hear My Voice. It is a choice giving to all.
Choose wisely from this day forward where you go…what your speak…who you seek to please, for it is no longer your life you live…for you must lay all weights of the world aside to hear Me. I am pouring out of My Spirit. The Warnings of My Soon Coming continue to go unheeded; therefore, I am leaving many behind, so that they will see The Light and cry out to Me once more. I warn you sinner to go on living lukewarm is not accepted. You will not be found Worthy, at the time, of My Coming. Repentance is required. A contrite heart-a new Spirit…a Spirit that reflects and sees Me…not a Spirit corrupt and living, as the world…and you call yourself a Child of The King? “Depart from Me” will be My Words. I do not wish any to perish. Return to Me now. Run quickly! The Gates of Heaven are about to open and as the five foolish Virgins…the time of entering requires preparedness of heart and those found wanting were shut out. I do not want to leave any behind to face the hour of trial and temptation that comes against all, who remain in this world. Can you imagine the hell on earth it will be without The Voice of My Bride crying out in the wilderness??? The Way of The Lord has been paved. The Doors are about to close once more, as the age of Grace is closing.