Red Alert: War is Coming. Brace Yourself. Be Prepared.
February 7, 2021 1:36 AM
Amanda N. White
Warning Word from the Lord | 2.6.21 | 7:22 P.M.
I was washing my hands when I started seeing a vision of the words “RED ALERT: WAR IS COMING!” I felt in my spirit the Lord was speaking to me of a warning word, and a red siren kept going off in my mind as I saw images of the American borders where Canada and America meet, as well as the conjoined borders of Mexico and America. The Lord then told me to open my bible to Joshua 6:3-7, explaining America was Jericho in the scriptures for the word He was about to give me. I asked the Lord why, and He then told me to turn to Haggai 1:2-11. I understood while reading the scriptures He is disappointed with America’s selfishness and longs for His children to turn their attention back to their Sovereign King, especially given the current times and seasons. I believe I was given the following word from the Lord, and received His two confirmations before sharing this message to warn others of upcoming events.
” WARNING: War is coming! Red alert, do you hear me, my daughter? Listen to my words carefully and tell others of this warning. My children, the time to act is now. Red alert, I say the time to act is now- no more sleeping! While many of you have been wasting away, basking in the pleasures on Earth (i.e. television time, birthday celebrations and other such worldly pleasures like socializing on social media), I have been preparing words and actions of future knowledge, plans and other pieces of the puzzle that must take place before, as humans like to call, a type of Armageddon occurs. This is not the end- let me make that clear. However, casualties will pass due to the depths of the storm. Brace yourself, be prepared and buckle up for this journey. Stay strong in Elohim and your path will be set straight. Do not follow me and suffer the consequences that await the unfaithful. Get out of the big cities, my children, as infiltration will come swiftly. If you are not prepared to leave your home in case of an emergency, I say to you make those plans now before it is too late. Do not be frightened or dismayed by this news, but it must happen to prevent the beast from taking his throne and speeding up the timeline. Let me be clear, the devil will never truly win. It is a facade, a show, a great deception of tactics I use to fool that fowl creature into thinking he will win. With that said, the time to act is now. There is no time to twiddle your thumbs or over-think your actions. Come to me in prayer and repentance. I will tell you if this will directly affect your family or not. Either way, you should prepare for a collapse like you have never seen before. My mind is not fully made up on whether or not this plan will be swift, but my children, I say to you come to me on your knees like never before and truly listen to what my Holy Spirit is saying to each of you. I love you, my faithful children. Save as many souls for my kingdom as you can in this unprecedented time.”
I share this word from the Lord with a heavy heart. I hope and pray you can look past the fearful part of this message and indeed do as He asks, come to Him and ask Him what His orders are for you and your loved ones. Do not allow the enemy to rule you with anxiety and fear, yet instead go to the Lord in love and joy, asking Him to bring peace upon you all.
God bless.