
Raining fire, Earth Shaking Awakening – 278pikelk2

Raining fire, Earth Shaking Awakening – 278pikelk

May 30, 2013

I want you. I want your heart now. See your life as you know it as over, and come under My 100% guidance. Make radical changes in who you are, and become who I made you to be. Now things aren’t about you anymore. The transformation of your heart can still take place, but the major outpouring of My grace and the presence of My glory is coming unto My children on your Earth like never before. Open yourself up to the radical changes I am going to put in front of you now. My children, do what I call you to do, when I call you to do it. Do not be afraid. I am the I AM, and when I ask you to do things, I will provide the way. Separate yourselves from your world and see the things through My eyes. Pray to see things through My eyes. Take the focus off of yourself and your journey now, and focus on My love and what you can see through My eyes. If I ask you to go, go. I am doing some extreme things now in the lives of My children. Who will listen and be open to what I want them to be doing? Big things are going to begin to happen around you now. I want soldiers that are prepared to stand against the enemy for the sake of My love. Ask that I consume you, and I will. When I consume you and all that you are doing is motivated and ordained by Me, miracles will never cease. Please expect big things from Me. Expect miracles. Expect people to come to the saving knowledge of the grace message. Expect people to realize that I, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob am the only true God and Creator of the universe. No matter how bad things may look, expect Me to be moving in miraculous and major ways now. Continue to purify, separate, and cleanse yourself, yes, but remove your focus from yourself and focus on Me. Focus now on how I am seeing things. I will give you eyes to see the pain, but I will also give you the ability and resources to do something about it. Spread My love, and at the same time, My gospel. As My love spreads, My gospel spreads. Spread the good news about salvation to the world now. I keep your heart close to Mine and protected, so you can in turn burst forth in a new beginning, spreading My love and My gospel answer to the suffering and the lost. I call on you all now to seek out how I want you to spread My love. I have plans for all of you. All are as different as each that hears this calling. There is coming a great awakening of My Holy Spirit. As more and more of satan’s minions are released to wreak destruction in the world around you, more and more of My children are going to receive Me and the indwelling of their Helper, Ruach Ha’Kodesh, Holy Spirit. Messengers, put out My messages of love and grace and warnings. Listen for what I am telling you. It is vital that you listen for Me in your spirit. Do not become paralyzed. Ask for signs if you are not sure. Expect miracles, and a huge revelation of My saving grace affecting many. Holy is the I AM. I come to you now, those that seek Me, and I will fill you with My Holy Spirit, and you will fight back against the enemy. You will smote the enemy with My name. All of My children expect these good things. Expect a huge revival and a huge number of My children to come now out of your world and into My presence.


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