Warning, Vision, Word

Prophetic Headlines – Isaac Alvarado

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Prophetic Headlines

10/22/24 7:53 AM
Isaac Alvarado
"Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and the one who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war.“ Revelation 


* In the middle of a Cabinet, an Asian Leader stands up with statements leaving many astonished.
* The Garden of Eden will be talked about a lot.
* Rumors and more Rumors of unpredictable movements in Space

Oct 12,2024

Warning / Signal
An Asian Currency Getting a Shake

Oct 21, 2024
The People of the Lord will see more and more the Manifestation of God’s Love. The Faithfulness of the Lord towards his Little Ones (He is the Faithful Witness, the Faithful and True) The Lord will carry his People for this Time.:

20 / Oct /2024

Warning / Signal

* A beach covered in very dense fog will be reported
* The Nation of the Green Flag and White Sword Emblem retreating .
* The Blue Cross and Red background Nation in Emergencies
* A Wedding in “White” will give a lot talk about of
* The Empire State Building will give news

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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