Warning, Prophecy, Word


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9/5/24 11:03 AM
Elizabeth Marie


This is a URGENT CALL for prayer!  The LORD gives WARNINGS, to HIS people, so we can pray for help, and mercy in our times of need.  Also, we must be ‘pushing back the darkness’ by intercessory prayer, against any wicked agemdas schemes, and plans  from satan, and his minions.  Pray that ALL attacks would be stopped, destroyed, hindered permanently, and thwarted!

MESSAGE: (received 9/4/24)

On 9/4/24, I could not sleep. After tossing, and turning, for awhile…..I started to pray for hours. It was then that I received a message (below), that contained a warning. Please seek the LORD for confirmation, and further interpretation (read between the lines).

The warning is this:

‘Beware of October!’

This gives us approximately 30 DAYS, to seek the LORD, through prayer, for further understanding. It is time for the believers in CHRIST JESUS, to be prepared, in the SPIRIT, and to be ready for whatever comes our way.

Here is the rest of the message:

“The backbone of America is now coming against her one true friend….and the dominoes are set to fall!  She has betrayed her friend!

Now the hammer will fall….it is a GAVEL of JUSTICE that will come against the land!  It is a FLOOD OF JUDGMENT that is coming, and she will be torn down, until repentance starts flowing.

I have called, and called for MY people to pray, fervently….but few have heeded, because they are lukewarm.

Where are those who labor in prayer all night…..or even around the clock…. on behalf of their land, and families? Where are those who ‘STAND IN THE GAP’ through mighty SPIRITUAL WARFARE?  The door is closing…but MY people see it not!

“So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.” Ezekiel 22:30

For MY remnant ones, who are in the center of MY perfect will, and have followed MY leadings…..I say to you…  keep doing what you are doing….by giving your ALL to ME.  I will hide you under the shadow of MY WINGS… and there you will be protected from MY wrath. 

I am a HOLY GOD, who judges wickedness, and betrayal.  But I am also merciful to those who are contrite in heart.

Beware of October

Be Ready, and Brace Yourself, by holding tightly to ME ….. as things change quickly!

Pray for the miracle of repentance to come swiftly before all is lost!”

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

“praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—” Ephesians 6:18


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