Prophecy, Weather

PROPHECY: Florida Hurricane Milton – Elizabeth Marie

Hurricane Milton off the coast of Mexico on 6 October 2024
Source GOES-16 satellite
Author NOAA
Public Domain

PROPHECY: Florida Hurricane Milton

10/8/24 1:39 PM
Elizabeth Marie
Oct 08, 2024

Many ask, ‘where is GOD?’ in times of disasters, and destruction? Why does HE allow these things to occur…..especially when there is loss of life? These are complicated questions, with many different points of view, and opinions. As a ‘WATCHWOMEN on the WALL’…..I only can share what the LORD has shown me….and I don’t have all the answers, but only pieces of a greater puzzle.

What I do know is that the LORD has been calling AMERICA to REPENTANCE for years, and years. Not only for those who are unsaved, but ALSO to the Church as well! Instead of America turning back to GOD, it has done just the opposite! Therefore, the LORD is allowing JUDGMENTS to fall, in order to WAKE UP THE PEOPLE…..and THE CHURCH… hopes that they will CRY OUT TO their heavenly FATHER, and start a personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST. HOWEVER, many will only turn back to the LORD if great hardship comes…..I know that this is true, because it happened to me personally years ago!

In SCRIPTURE, it says that in JUDGEMENT, some will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS!

“….When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness.” Isaiah 26:9


Last year, I received 3 WARNINGS that pertained to some JUDGMENTS that area coming. I posted them on June 1st, 2023 on both my website, and Youtube:

3 Judgments identified; 3 more warnings: UK; Florida Hurricane; Supply Chain

It now looks like WARNING for FLORIDA could be coming to pass with Milton Hurricane:

On 5/22/23, I awoke to these words (and saw great wind):


then I heard:


Then I wrote:

“I was NOT shown if this is a ‘physical’ hurricane, or some sort of storm brewing in the SPIRIT REALM that will cause problems in Florida. Either way, please be praying for Florida! Hurricanes, spiritually speaking, can stand for: sudden disaster; devastation; testing; adversity; spiritual opposition; satanic activity.

Pray that the LORD will CALM the ‘storm,’ and STILL the waves!!!”

This certainly applies RIGHT NOW for FLORIDA!!

PLEASE PRAY FERVENTLY FOR ALL THOSE IN HARMS WAY… well as those that have already been devastated by Hurrican Helena!

“Then they cry out to the Lord in their trouble,
And He brings them out of their distresses.
 He calms the storm,
So that its waves are still.
Then they are glad because they are quiet;
So He guides them to their desired haven.
Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness,
And for His wonderful works to the children of men! “ Psalms 107:28-31


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