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8/19/24 5:59 PM
Richard Taylor

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Recently I was moved to try to compose a short – preferably two-page – document that I could use t email or hand out to relatives, friends, and others to explain simply what we know from the prophetic about what lies just ahead. I was impressed by what K. Williams has done (the great volume of 444 posts on a USB stick). But I was looking for something brief that would help open eyes of those who might read something brief on the topic.

Then Anno.Domini.144K did her recent post on our NEED to share the truths we know!

I was already working on what appears below. This afternoon, I “finished it”. So here it is, along with a PDF from it that is just two pages. It can be printed on one piece of paper, front and back. I plan to email it and hand it out or mail it to a number of people I know – or meet.

Thank you Jonathan, for considering this for publication, so others can use – or modify – it as they feel so led!

Richard Taylor

Many – most – people realize that “things are not right” in the world.
This short summary is intended to help people grasp key concepts and approaching events of Bible Prophecy.
It is by no means “THE” summary … but it is “A” summary that includes much of value!

How can I say THAT?

Because I have been been exposed to, and studied, Bible prophecy since 1963. From 1966 till 1969 I attended a small Bible college that taught and proclaimed much prophecy. In 1967 I was baptized and received the Holy Spirit in such a way that I have never doubted His Presence. Later I was ordained an elder, and I have taught and preached righteousness for decades. I fear God Almighty! I have nothing to sell and am doing what I feel STRONGLY the Spirit wants me to do – out of sincere loving concern for others!

The Bible is literally filled with prophecies. (Many say they make up one-third of it.)
A PROPHECY is simply a proclamation of what will occur at some point AFTER it was uttered. ALL Bible prophecy is inspired by the Holy Spirit (2Peter 1:21). In part, it was given to PROVE the Bible is true! (For example, see Micah 5:2 and Isaiah 45:1.)

MANY Bible prophecies relate to the “end times” – to the times we are experiencing NOW – with an imminent crescendo of “falling dominoes” that we MUST have some knowledge of to be able to survive!

The bulk of this document is statements presented here as FACTS. –That is to give you, succinctly, some of what is coming. YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE SKEPTICAL!! But I know of no better way to “lay it all out for you.” YOUR JOB is to examine your reaction and, if you disagree, check it out; research it for your self. ASK the LORD if what is said is TRUE! Be “like the Bereans”(Acts 17:11).

First, briefly, a few comments on what I believe I have learned about how to discern and apply modern-day prophetic statements. –Because many DETAILS of Bible prophecies for today are spelled out by prophets and watchmen being used by God TODAY (e.g., names of volcanoes, cities, ships, people, etc.).

• If you have trouble accepting the concept that God speaks prophecies through people today, you should consider such Scriptures as Joel 2:27-29; Acts 2:14-21; Acts 11:28; Acts 21:9; Ephesians 4:11; Romans 11:29, and Hebrews 13:8. Amos 3:7 says “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”

• There are A LOT of modern-day “prophets”. MOST of them are FALSE prophets, but SOME are true!
And there are other extremely helpful prophecy sources (blog posts and videos), but to keep it simple, “for starters”, I am recommending just one website for you to check out. I believe that ALL (or at least the vast majority) of the information in the statements below has been taken from 444prophecynews.com . To be sure, not everything on that site is correct, or from the Lord. Again, you need to ask the Lord on all matters. But I have found the following to be especially reliable and helpful (and there are others as well) as well as having contributed a number of posts: Handmaid of the Most High; William Brooks; McKana; Elizabeth Marie; My Hiding Place; Anno.Domini.144K; LynL.

• Finally, please remember that posts or videos often include specific words from God = that are true. They MIGHT include other information that is commentary or otherwise added by the person that is trying to be helpful—but MIGHT not be true. -Be careful to be sure you make that distinction. –A false conclusion added by an author does not make that person a “false prophet”. But it does show us all the need to be very careful with what and how we say things that could be misconstrued as having come from God!

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If you are new to Bible Prophecy, it is probably best to read the following Scriptures before continuing:
Matthew 24 (and 25). Luke 21 (similar to Matthew 24) – especially verse 26. Revelation 6.


Prophecies are given by God so we will pray either that the events not come, or that God will have mercy during the Judgments of the end times that MUST COME to fulfill His Word.

Earthquakes – and other earth changes (e.g. volcanoes and tsunamis) and meteors/fire come BIG, FIRST.

The NUCLEAR-WEAPON part of World War III will start this fall.

Europe falls first, then USA. We will be conquered, with many killed and others taken captive abroad.

By the end of the fall – apparently this year – there will have occurred enough wars, economic collapse, disease/plagues and hunger/famine that it will be obvious to everyone in America that it IS the time of the Tribulation – and “normal” times will not return. (Once “it” starts, it will rapidly increase in frequency and severity. See Leviticus 26 for what happens to a nation that once served God and then turns from Him.)

Things will appear “normal” until it is too late: Disasters will occur SUDDENLY and then with great intensity and severity – so that those not close to God will fear exceedingly. See Leviticus 26.

We are NOT to fear any man. We are to totally FEAR GOD, so that nothing that comes will shake us.

Many of the trials/tribulations that are coming were planned by the enemy (Satan and his followers), but GOD IS IN TOTAL CONTROL and causes/allows everything that happens.

We must be willing to take up our cross daily and do whatever Holy Spirit wants us to do. We must be willing to lose our life for the purposes of God.

MANY will be martyred in the coming GREAT PERSECUTION of the church – which will start soon!

NO high-ranking politicians and government leaders in the USA are “for” Christians; Harris, Trump and Obama all will play leading roles in trying to kill off Christians – though it may not seem so yet.

A SMALL REMNANT of the church will be specially empowered by God very soon and then help lead many in the MOSTLY-NOW-ASLEEP CHURCH to a great harvest of souls during the Tribulation.

Those who refuse to wake up to the deceptions being aimed at us by Satan’s followers will eventually harden themselves so that God will send upon them STRONG DELUSION. They will believe the lies from Satan that Jesus was a “good man” but is now dead. Instead, fallen angels who show up on earth will be introduced to humanity as “your TRUE CREATORS”. –To successfully live in the new world (the NEW WORLD ORDER), people will have to take THE MARK OF THE BEAST. God in the STRONGEST TERMS WARNS THAT ANY WHO WILLINGLY TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST WILL HAVE THEIR DNA CHANGED AND LOSE THEIR SALVATION – ending up in eternal hell fire with Satan and his followers.

No matter “how bad” any human has been so far, upon repentance all their sins can and will be forgiven and they will be saved. But this must happen before their last breath, and they must not take the mark of the beast.

Judgment begins at the house of God – the sleeping Church (Laodicean Church of Revelation 3).

Most people today do not know who the TRUE ISRAEL are. The governmental and religious “Jews” of that nation “Israel” now (near Lebanon and Jordan) are NOT. Many of the people in USA (and other nations) are!

Read Revelation 19 through 22 for the GOOD NEWS of Jesus returning to put down all evil and RULE FOREVER – along with His faithful church!

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