Prepare yourself for the grand illusion
June 17, 2021
Barbara Francis
Mens hearts will fail them . Prepare yourself for the grand illusion. Make yourself ready now.Seek after me while time remains. Put on the full armor of God . The wicked will continue to due wickedly and not understand but the wise will have eyes to see and do see and many have understanding. . Pray without ceasing. Humanity is about to change. Pray you are accounted worthy to escape the wrath that is coming . Man will not return to his former self but will be forever changed. The process can not be reversed now. The good Shepherd protects his sheep and is searching for the last lost one while you wait for him. Prepare yourself for the grand illusion. Put on the full armor of God. Come to me all who are heavy laden I will give you peace , my peace.
Original article can be found here