Prepare, Word

PREPARE. . . – My Hiding Place

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


10/16/24 1:01 PM


Audio version,

Dear brothers and sisters,
This Word is brief. Even so, it comes with a sharp warning. I will get right into it, beginning with the opening verses I was given to read.

Jer.26:4-6 And thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord; If ye will not hearken to me, to walk in my law, which I have set before you, 5 To hearken to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I sent unto you, both rising up early, and sending them, but ye have not hearkened; 6 Then will I make this house like Shiloh, and will make this city a curse to all the nations of the earth.

Here’s what happened.
On the evening of Oct.11/2024, I had prepared myself to celebrate Yom Kippur by honouring the Day of Atonement with a full day fast. By the time the evening rolled around, I was sick. My throat was hurting and I was running a fever. I thought to myself, “this is the worst time to be sick. I want to make sure I have all the energy I need to keep me going until tomorrow evening. There’s no way I will cancel the fast.”
But as soon as I started to pray, I had barely uttered a sentence or two that I started coughing. This is the kind of thing that once it starts, it quickly escalates into a coughing fit and I was in no way, shape or form going to postpone my special meeting with Father. So, I told Him I was going to pray in my Spirit, so I could keep my mouth closed.
Brothers and sisters, I must have gotten one sentence out, when the Holy Spirit began to take over the prayer session and speak to me instead. What followed was about a whole hour of Him going over many things that were pressing on my heart, weighing me down, afflicting me. He took His time reassuring me, comforting me that none of my tears were wasted and that all the testing had been by design. His voice was like a soothing balm to my broken heart. His presence was calm and yet overwhelming at the same time. I couldn’t help but weep and weep while asking Him some questions and then hearing Him answering me back. A few times I had to get up to go grab some tissues. The Holy Spirit would pause, give me a chance to recollect myself and then He would pick up right where He had left off. It was such an unforgettable experience. ALL praises to the Most High!
With that, brothers and sisters, I encourage you to get into your Secret Place with Father and to seek Him with all your heart. He longs for our fellowship.

Of all that He said to me that night, there were some things that were entirely personal, while others that I’m sure a lot of you could relate to. However, the only piece I have been authorized to tell you this evening is the last thing He mentioned to me that night and that is:


When I heard those words, I took it as a personal message and asked Father how He’d like me to prepare, if He had specific requests. He knows what, and how I’ve prepared. Did I forget anything? Or, was there a new request, or perhaps something to double up on? Unlike the rest of the evening when He’d been so keen on answering me, He said nothing back.

Following that, over the next few days, Father showed me particular verses that aimed to the same conclusion. I marked them down in my notes, then asked what did they related to. That is when the Holy Spirit impressed on me that when hell breaks loose and people wonder why it’s all happening, that you need to know and tell others it’s because we have forsaken Him, His Laws and Statutes, His commands.

For how many claim to love Him with all their heart, mind, soul and strength but then ignore the rules He gave us for our own good and to mark a distinction between us and the world? His desire is to have a set apart group that honours Him thorugh obedience.
I will leave it with each of you listening to this, to take this Word to prayer to inquire of Yah to find out your individual answers. But let me warn you …. there is not much time left.

These are the verses He gave me:

Jer.16:10-11 And it shall come to pass, when thou shalt shew this people all these words, and they shall say unto thee, Wherefore hath the Lord pronounced all this great evil against us? or what is our iniquity? or what is our sin that we have committed against the Lord our God? 11 Then shalt thou say unto them, Because your fathers have forsaken me, saith the Lord, and have walked after other gods, and have served them, and have worshipped them, and have forsaken me, and have not kept my law.

Jer.44:23 Because ye have burned incense, and because ye have sinned against the Lord, and have not obeyed the voice of the Lord, nor walked in his law, nor in his statutes, nor in his testimonies; therefore this evil is happened unto you, as at this day.

2 Chron.7:19-20 But if ye turn away, and forsake my statutes and my commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other gods, and worship them; 20 Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them; and this house, which I have sanctified for my name, will I cast out of my sight, and will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations.

Mic.1:3-4, 7 For, behold, the Lord cometh forth out of his place, and will come down, and tread upon the high places of the earth. 4 And the mountains shall be molten under him, and the valleys shall be cleft, as wax before the fire, and as the waters that are poured down a steep place. 7 And all the graven images thereof shall be beaten to pieces, and all the hires thereof shall be burned with the fire, and all the idols thereof will I lay desolate: for she gathered it of the hire of an harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an harlot.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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