Warning, Prepare, Prophecy

“Prepare…It’s coming!” – Heaven’s Shofar


“Prepare…It’s coming!”

May 25, 2022 1:00 PM

Word Received on 5-25-2022

Prepare daughter…It’s coming! What’s coming, Lord? (I asked)

“Utter disaster the likes no one has ever seen”!

How do we prepare for it, Lord? What do you want us to do?

He said, “Spend more time with Me, children. Remember, I AM your anchor in this storm. My remnant bride knows what is coming, she should be prepared by now.

Then He said “So, “what’s next” you ask? “STAY CLOSE…PRAISE ME, WORSHIP ME in the midst of

the storm, and watch what I will do!! Fear not beloveds, for your God is with you! Watch as I uphold you with My righteous right hand!

He also dropped this song by Casting Crowns into my spirit (lyrics and link below)

Praise You In This Storm


Verse 1

I was sure by now

God You would have reached down

And wiped our tears away

Stepped in and saved the day

But once again I’ll say Amen

And it’s still rainin’

As the thunder rolls

I barely hear You whisper

Through the rain

I’m with You

And as Your mercy falls

I’ll raise my hands

And praise the God who gives

And takes away


And I’ll praise You in this storm

And I will lift my hands

For You are who You are

No matter where I am

And ev’ry tear I’ve cried

You hold in Your hand

You never left my side

And though my heart is torn

I will praise You in this storm

Verse 2

I remember when

I stumbled in the wind

You heard my cry to You

And raised me up again

But my strength is almost gone

How can I carry on

If I can’t find You


I lift my eyes unto the hills

Where does my help come from

My help comes from the Lord

The Maker of heaven and earth


Scripture Reference:

Isaiah‬ ‭41:10‬ ‭(NKJV‬‬)

10 “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’”


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