America, Destruction, Earthquake, Famine, Prophecy, Tribulation, War

Prepare for Mass Destruction – Sue Piccini

Prepare for Mass Destruction

August 31, 2019
Sue Piccini
Matthew 27:7
“ And they consulted together and bought with them the Potters Field, to bury strangers in.”

“ My people who continue to mock Me and hate Me and call Me liar, they are all strangers to Me and they will all be buried in My Potters Field, Hell. They will rule the day that they ever did these things and will suffer a horrible death.”

“Daughter, I have given you many warnings to make My people aware of all the things that will come upon them, but they refuse to listen or see the very things that I have told them. They will now experience these things first hand. I will bring upon the Earth much famine, earth quakes of mass destruction, fires, floods, and the thing they don’t expect, WAR in many places, yes, even the United States. People of the Earth prepare for Mass Destruction to come upon you, as Satan roars and all his minions roam around you to destroy you in so many ways. The days of Tribulation have just begun and there will be so much more to come. My Anger has risen upon those who continue to murder and those who continue to live for the lies of the enemy, Satan. I will avenge the deaths of the innocent and I will destroy those who refuse the Gift of My Son Jesus, who died for them. The time of My Wrath upon the Earth has come and I will wait no longer.”

“ Come My Bride and prepare yourselves for the return of My Son and My Angels to take you Home. The time for your peace is at hand, for your cries to come Home I have heard and will answer.” “ I Am is Coming.”

Yeshua Ha Mashiach!

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