Pray For The Lost
Nov 26, 2019, 4:07 PM
In this late hour I believe the Holy Spirit is leading us to PRAY FOR THE LOST.
About a week ago I had a restless night and somewhere in-between tossing and turning I suddenly awoke and an image flashed briefly before my eyes. It was a place of torment, possibly HELL, and somehow I knew that it was pointing to the LOST SOULS. Several hours later in my spirit I heard ‘FIRES OF HELL’.
That phrase was oddly familiar and as a former catholic it specifically sounded catholic in nature. I started googling and realized that that phrase was part of a catholic prayer said while praying on beads called the rosary. The prayer is as follows:
‘Oh My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, help especially those who most need thy mercy.’
I felt that the Holy Spirit was wanting me to put something out to the catholics, but wasn’t quite sure what.
A few days later I was watching a You Tube by Linda Courtney titled ‘This is Your Season and Time‘ (posted 11.22.19). It was about USING THIS TIME NOW TO MAKE A DECISION TO COME TO THE LORD JESUS, TO RETURN TO HIM AS GOD’S JUDMENT WAS COMING TO AMERICA. As I continued listening, I was surprised to hear her addressing catholics. Her message was…
‘There is NO purgatory my catholic friends, there’s only two places – heaven or hell. MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW – YOU MAY NOT HAVE TOMORROW AND YOU SURE DONT HAVE FOREVER…remembering God is a God of compassion and there are urgent times just around the bend, but God’s compassions fail not. He will always be with you because He will always love you.’
Another word I received during this time was ‘DIRE WARNINGS’. I knew the word meant ‘serious’ but looked it up anyway. This is the definition:
'causing or involving great fear or suffering, dreadful, terrible, very serious or extreme'
In addition to receiving these words, I have also been seeing the number 111 a lot (a prophetic number for Judgment). Those who have been following the prophetic voices know that trials and tribulation are coming SOON. While we are preparing our hearts and homes, there is a message to pray for those who are LOST and in DARKNESS.
This vision and word were given 11.18.19
Scripture Reference:
Luke 19:10 10 For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
Luke 15:4 4 “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it?”