End Times, Vision, Volcano, Word

Powerful vision of last days – Zach


Powerful vision of last days

8/21/24 7:26 AM

Minute 23 hear the word of the Lord:

The Lord said to me:
Rumbles from beneath, He said: Rumbles from beneath.
As I wrote this, I am instantly taken, I am no longer here.

I am put into a vision & as I’m in this vision, I begin to notice that I’m underneath the sea & I have a vantage point to see below the sea floor & this is in a scope of land masses between countries, like if I’m looking at the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean ocean, the Mediterranean Sea. These big spaces of ocean floor I’m looking at this, I’m seeing the blue water but I’m noticing the Lord has given me discernment to look beneath this surface to see something else.

So I’m seeing incredible magma channels all around the world, it does not matter where you’re located this is all around the planet,
I saw these humongous channels of lava veins streams tunnels; shifts were taking place but I’m looking at this lava & this magma that was moving. It was moving faster than what I believe people understand.
This this magma is like on a highway underneath the floor of the ocean.
It’s on an incredible highway, it’s on an incredible speed. The way the magma looks from this vision
It looked like this magma was supercharged & like someone took, let’s say for this
YouTube video when you go times two (X2) that’s what they did to the speed of lava & magma underneath the whole
World. Something was charging up this lava, obscurely more than what was powering it in the world there was something else giving this energy to this incredible lava underneath the sea floor.

As I’m looking at this the Holy Spirit is beside me to my right & He’s telling me to look & observe.
& I’m watching that these veins of lava are moving incredibly fast, but because the veins of lava & magma are being shifted out of place so there’s different pressures of lava in different places it should not be & it being in that place, these different pressures happening with these lava streams is causing abnormal speed.

You’re going to see about three more volcanoes erupt very soon,
Probably within a three a year & a half you’re going to see another three volcanoes just erupting, opposite places, random places you would bat your eye at it because of the media not really putting any information. But those who saw was happening underneath the ground to why that lava erupted would say, oh my goodness nobody knows what’s really going on, nobody knows the amount of pressure that is beneath this ocean floor to cause this incredible magma. It’s like if you put magma in a fire hose, this is what I’m talking about family.
Stick lava in a fire hose with that kind of pressure with incredibly mile wide gaps openings with hundreds of miles wide, lengths of lava flowing at that speed, you’re talking about an incredible amount of pressure on tectonic plates, an incredible amount of stress is on the world right now.

What I’m trying to let you know is that we’re sitting in the in the basis of birth contractions. Where do contractions happen, women, in the place is very deep within the organ. It never happens on the surface of the skin, the only time somebody knows a contraction happens if is if you make a response. Women if you never made a response for your contractions, who would know?
This is the same case with the planet, the Earth can’t shout at you & let you know “ah I’m going through a contraction” but I tell you the truth, by the gift of the Holy Ghost revealing it by sight, it is happening. We’re sitting in the basis of it.

Some of the elite don’t care what you know. Some of these Elite don’t care how they get exposed. Some of these Elite don’t even care what gets out about them they don’t care. Right now there’s something so much bigger that if you watch them, they’re just preserving time.
I mean really look at them. I’ve discerned it because God has revealed it to me. I was watching some of the meeting, they know something else okay. & some of them just don’t care what you know about them anymore because they know something is about to take off & they’re more concerned about that prioritizing that & they’re like, okay yeah whatever, because they don’t think you’ll be alive for it; just to be honest, some of these Elite think you’re going to be way in dead so they won’t have to worry about you.

Do you understand what I’m saying all right, so we’re sitting in this birth pain literally right now as I’m live we’re sitting in one.
This type of pressure, this shift of movement that I was watching, once again:

This lava flow, this magma flow, these channels, were underneath the ocean & countries even though the Holy Spirit had me in a space of looking at a great expansion of the ocean floor I knew that this was going under America. I knew these lava channels were going under South America. I knew Europe &
Asia were already receiving. If you understood the news that’s going on in the Asia & in the Middle East & just the different volcanic & lava flows the literal fissures that are forming out of nothing in Russia because of earthquakes little cracks are just opening in Russia just opening. Scientists just trying to not talk about it. I’ve just seen this by the spirit there’s so much going on there’s

These channels are everywhere & the interesting thing is it’s worse in Asia & Europe because on that side of the planet there’s more pressure & tectonic shifting.
This is why you’re seeing so much incredible weather from the land.There there’s so much of this, incredible things happening to the Earth & plate tectonics already. There is definitely a pressure a pulling from a magnetic pull.

So going further into this,
Land masses from the west coast & East Coast while I was watching this magma shift & seeing the plate tectonics under incredible pressure.
It was like I was watching also & I’m not sure what these bubbles are, but in the ocean one section of the vision as I was watching. Deep, deep, deep incredibly deep down in the Atlantic floor there were these cracks where tectonic plates were moved or used to be & there was openings & bubbles, lots of lots of bubbles coming out of these cracks. These caverns, these nooks, these incredible deep, deep, deep ocean.
Like Nooks bubbles coming out lots of bubbles. I knew it was a danger, I don’t know what these bubbles were for I didn’t see. The Holy Spirit didn’t show me what they meant, but I knew these were incredible danger.

It sounds like methane gas.I knew this was incredible danger that you would never want to breathe this. Even when these bubbles were rising about the ocean, you did not want to be in the vicinity of the air of this stuff being released.
As I was watching this, I heard the Lord say to me clear He said: Pole shift.

As if the pole shift didn’t happen yet, as if these signs before what He just said were signs before the pole shift that it had not taken place yet.

But this stuff was already happening, this type of contraction, this type of pressure, this type of pain on the Earth was taking place.
See the Elites in the media want you to focus on people & get you distracted about what the time from the earth the planet is saying, because remember the planet is answering to God. It doesn’t care about man, it does not. You know what the earth is waiting for?

It’s not waiting for you it don’t need you, it needs the Sons & Daughters of God to be born. this planet is crying out to God & groanings to God right now for the new you. The Earth you stand on doesn’t want the old you. Amen

so I heard the Lord say: pole shift
& this is when I began to seek the Lord & I talked about the Bubbles I knew that these bubbles were in the South Tropic area. I understood that that this this bubble type of situation was like switches, it would turn on, a whole bunch of bubbles will come up & then the switch would turn off nothing. Then another location the bubbles would turn on a whole bunch of methane gas & it would turn off. I’m understanding it’s the lava flow & how it’s going in different opposite directions.

So this as this was happening in the South Tropic region I begin to see, deep land masses underneath the Atlantic Ocean shift out of their places this was happening. Incredibly deep places where humans can’t swim, places where you need to have incredible dense machines to make it to the floor you may have to just send a tool a pole down there just to be able to withstand that, because we may not have technology to go down that far yet.

What happened next was, I then saw where this incredible shifting out of place underneath the ground, there was also incredible heat by the equator I knew near the Panama Canal where the Panama Canal down there near that space a wide latitude from west to east the whole entire band, there’s an incredible amount of heat that just increased & it seemed like it started as a light red & just like someone turns on an oven it was like voom & it just heated up incredibly at that one location. Once again, I did not see what was causing it, I don’t think this was manmade. For this account this seemed more organic.

Going on into this the Lord began to share more of this incredible heat towards the South & it was coming from the Sun down this was not bottom up.
I know I just spoke about the lava that was moving underneath the sea floor understand that is still happening, but I saw like a sandwiched moment of heat where the sun was releasing these waves & waves of heat.

his heat came in waves I’m not sure if this is actual heat waves of the whole planet or solar
flares I don’t know, but I knew because I was up here looking down at the ocean, I didn’t see what the sun was doing but I knew the Holy Spirit was showing me waves of heat was causing this to happen over & over.

I am trying to be very descriptive so you guys can really engage God about all this stuff once again I don’t know everything & this is not everything this is just a puzzle piece of information I share this with you.

so this continued & then the Lord began to show me another scene, I understood that based on this magnetic pull, based on this tug of the world. The Lord shows the Earth is very magnetic okay. This is why playing with certain energies in the world is very dangerous.

The Earth is very magnetic & it’s influential this is why if you have a lot of minds in the planet with one mind on doing certain things, certain energies will flow to that mindset.

Witches & warlocks know this. I’m about to give you guys some very big secret witchcraft tactics that they do witches & warlocks know energy very well. They know how it flows, they know that energy flows by intent & they know if they become a certain even if it’s negativity, if they become a certain negative emotion, energy flows towards that because it’s a focal point because witches & warlocks & demons know that we are portals better than we do. They’re channels of energy based on intent so what they will do is, they’ll manipulate the energy of the world.

Why do you think they want concerts for evil? why do they want certain big, huge events for their advertisements of evil they’re channeling Earth in energetic energy to their ritual. They don’t necessarily need you to give up your energy, they need you to be a part of their ritual for their energy move; they need you as a pawn, they need you engaged, they need your emotions. I know some sport fans don’t want to hear this because the NFL does this all the time there’s certain reasons why they have certain stadiums certain places. But understand that mystery of how witches & warlocks likes do their stuff & understand what true energy is just sitting in the world for goodness to take place.

So going back into this, the tectonic plates are being manipulated by this outside energy Planet X okay. That’s where that thing is coming from it’s pulling on it’s causing the weak points the cracks the tectonic plates to shift, causing magma to shift & channels to move causing incredible amount of pressure amen.

The Lord begin to reveal more, I still don’t understand what is about the Panama Canal region for that heat but it’s important that you guys know this. It’s important a lot of hurricanes will get supercharged to colossal levels.
These next hurricanes that are coming they will not compare to what you have seen you won’t even get to get to the hurricane before you see damage I tell you the truth as a prophet of God.

Yes, some of this stuff is going to be manipulated by man but a lot of the stuff will be too big for man to manipulate even though they got a whole bunch of Technology. God’s too powerful & He’s still too far ahead, they got technology but it’s not like that.

hey can cause moments & shifts & things to happen but dynamic orchestrations as what is coming oh that is God Himself that is Christ Himself trying to get the world to turn back around.

So let’s go forth now, the Lord showed me with this continued ground heating up get ready you’re going to beginning to see sea creatures moving in different directions. I know you’ve been seeing sea creatures, certain things go this this way.
You’re going to see you know certain sea creatures who would do their mating journeys, where they go around the world & they mate at a certain location have their babies & then go back to their home or they go & have this reconciliation at a certain location in the world & then they go & disperse act you know how birds go south & this & that.

Certain animals in the sea, go this way & that that way based on currents & energy flows & temperatures & seasons. We know this understand that is going to shift dramatically, I know you’ve been seeing a lot of things about animals, dolphins whales, beaching themselves that’s coming to a level where you won’t be able to ignore it. You will not be able to ignore it.

It’s going to make scientists say okay this is more than these animals being terrified or something in the water, there something that’s in the water for this level of opposite trajectory. I’m not just talking about animals beaching themselves, I’m saying animals going in a different way for a season they should be going in another way going north when they should be going south going east when they should be going south when they should be going Northwest these types of things total different trajectories treating it as normal showing up in places where they seem confused okay.

Let’s continue, so the ground heated up & I saw these sea creatures I saw dolphins just it was like they got scared of something, but they didn’t okay I saw dolphins near Florida, Louisiana, that Gulf area Gulf of Mexico I saw so many dolphins like the heat there was the bubbles (methane) was too much there were certain creatures being released underneath that space.

Because remember the tectonic plates, are shifting certain animals that are underneath the water locked away behind other land masses are now drifting other places. We’re coming into perilous times where you’re going to see stuff you’ve never seen family, this is why you got to know Christ because your physical eyes are about to see sea creatures that are like what is that? things that can live for hundreds of years you’re going to see them & say what is that? I’ve never seen that before, where did this come from they’re going to say “well you know there’s some oceans underneath the ground” , &“there’s some animals in there & there’s some stuff there & oh it’s a discovery we just found out” when they already knew.
They’re going to say this is a discovery; they knew I’m going tell you now, as a prophet of God, they knew. Don’t buy that.

So these heat waves, this will look terrifying because you’re going to see more sharks going towards the beaches. You’re going to see sharks going more towards the beaches & it’s not to attack or really to kill people but it’s just because they’re in a different flow. Will they attack & probably attack people & kill people? Probably, because they’re sharks, they’re going to do what a shark’s going to do.

The Lord continued & revealed this,
ith all of this heat bursting out & this stuff taking place I then was pulled out & I saw the world moving in an incredible speed, it looked like God had put the whole world on a fast forward button not just the lava & what I mean by this, is that there was an incredible increase in speed to the whole entire world.
I understood that these signs of bubbles these signs, are signs of a marker before incredible speed takes place. When this speed begins to happen I understood that multiple events will send the world faster. I saw in a flash, I saw political leaders voting on things, I saw certain types of Earth happenings it looked like earthquakes but then some of them weren’t earthquakes it seemed like there was just like literal cracks opening because the Earth had stretched too wide it.

Like the Earth was stretching too wide & so cracks were forming in the earth. Randomly sink holes were increasing. Greatly things were just you could tell the Earth was going through a motion that wasn’t just earthquakes. I understood that the world was going through many events as time kept going speeding up to the events I saw where the speed of the events that was thrusting the world faster was faster than time.

It seemed like the events were not way waiting for time; it was just waiting for prophetic things to come to pass for the next thing to get in line, to come to pass. We were now moving on the Word, not time anymore. While the world was trying to look at time to figure out where God was at. God owns time, God puts time in place. You can’t look at time to figure out where God is at if He sits in eternity, it’s a different understanding.

I saw where these events where seemed like the world was turning based on events, the world was going through many, many, many, many different shifts & phases from prophetic events happening so quickly. So many events happening so quickly. The Lord began to show me that time & the speed events they came to a focal point.

Family please hear me please give me your attention please please please give me your attention. (Minute 57)

I saw prophetic events & Time come back to a focal point.

Do you know what happened at that focal point, I then saw the hand of God come into the sky & tear it open.
You know who I saw? I saw Jesus about to take some people away.

I saw Jesus show up in the sky & He was looking
& this gives me the fear of the Lord,
When Jesus was looking down from the sky He was only looking for the Saints who were purified & ready. He didn’t even consider I saw the thoughts of God. Jesus did not consider anybody who was not in the right faith frame to go Home.

I saw the thoughts of God, He teared open the sky with His hands & I’m looking
I’m like that’s God & then He instantly shows me,
“ I’m looking for the Saints”
He didn’t care about a lost person.
He was looking for the Saints who were ready instantly.

He wasn’t looking who’s praying to get ready right now who’s ready come gone done it was quick, it was done Jesus was not playing any games it was ah this serious Jesus I saw, terrified me.

I was terrified, family, to see Him with no other thought then who’s ready who’s ready to the point where when He was already pulling up people of God

As soon as He looked down as soon as His hand teared open the sky people coming up there was no time to turn. There was no time to repent, there was no time to get ready, Jesus was already pulling up His people. The moment He showed up there was no time & if you too focused on the events around the world, you missed it.

If you focus too much around the events of the world you missed it, it’s a harsh word

it’s a harsh thing but this is what He says in the word of God.

the Lord show me I was stunned in this Vision. I see the world below & there has been incredible signs in the land & sky when I saw God looking down at the Saints He brought me up to Him & He showed me Zach look at the signs & events I’ve sent the Lord showed me
I was floating beside Jesus & He froze everything He froze the Rapture for me to see, oh please hear me family, I was sitting there in the midst of the Rapture taking place & He froze it with time & He said

“Zach look at the events I’ve sent”

I saw signs in the heavens, I saw signs on the earth I saw signs in the water I saw signs in politics I saw signs in the church I saw signs where God was tapping Hearts personally & people sleep hey you got to get ready you got to get ready I’m coming, you got to get ready. I saw God using babies children to pull adults hey no no no no no you got to look at this, Jesus froze this event before me & I got to look around in the vision
& I saw all the signs God had given I couldn’t even see all the signs even though Hewas showing me so many signs

I know these weren’t even the capacity of the hundreds & hundred hundreds & thousands of signs He sent I would sing a fraction so what I’m about to explain is in a fraction of the signs & things God has already sent already.

I begin to see God showed me to my left He said ‘look & I saw to my left I saw the Lord showing me different signs of colors I saw the sky turning purple I saw the sky turning yellow I then saw the Lord tell me Aurora borealis in outskirt places

God said Aurora borealis & outskirt places I saw signs of greens & blues & it was yellows all of this was going to continue to happen.
I know we’ve already had some of this take place, but this is going to happen more. God is going to bring more signs & wonders with this.

God showed me that these auroras borealis were going to happen on the outskirts of the world in warm seasons for those locations.
It may not be based on America’s warm season but wherever these seasons are, it was warm seasons for their locations. Outside of where it’s supposed to usually happen, in cold climates.

I understood that there was some kind of volcanic explosion taking place. I’m not sure if this is before I saw Jesus arrived during or after but I knew this was an indication, it seemed like right in the same time frame, an incredible volcanic eruption.

But God was showing me look at the land, there were signs of incredible earthquakes, incredible river floodings,
Floodings to rivers now operating differently, incredible signs of desert dry places that used to be flowing with rivers of water, these signs the world did not even consider they just batted their eye & looked away the signs are everywhere.

See God says, I speak once & I speak twice & they perceive it not. That means God’s speaking right now & it’s not based on our understanding it’s not based on our program, we got to get on His program & gut ourselves out to say
Okay Lord You’re speaking but I’m not perceiving it, You’re speaking but I’m not perceiving it. Help me perceive what You’re saying, take me through Your book & how do You talk?

This is what the church needs to get on bended knees & cry out in repentance for God. We haven’t been perceiving what You’ve been saying, You have been talking, You have been speaking; This is how You’ve been talking all along, You don’t change, we do we do.

I mean if you were to look at some of the rivers that are drying up now you would say wait a minute, those rivers are just dead now, it looks like dry desert ground where no life can exist, what is happening? like someone just pulled the drain out the bottom of a river & just drained it out what is happening?

We got to sit back & say even though this isn’t happening in my backyard, & my bills are getting paid or not whatever may be, it doesn’t matter, this is still pertaining to the planet you stand on. Remember what I said, the world is not looking for you, the world don’t like you; no it doesn’t, the world’s tired of sin. The world wants The New Creation You the world’s looking for the better you the world’s looking for the wonderful filled with Christ you.

I began to see even more things, this is these are all the signs that God has been pouring out so people do not have an excuse as to what, what wait what? no excuse. There’s no excuse.

I then saw this weird smoke in the sky, this looked demonic, but it looked like volcanic. I don’t know what this was, I can’t tell you but I know the clouds were not right, it was darker than usual. It was a weird cloud of storms, it was different, but I can’t fully depict what this was but I know I saw it, okay.
There’s coming signs where certain plant life just won’t exist or thrive as it used to because the climate has changed too much, you’re going to start to see that certain plants that just existed around you can’t exist anymore & it will make no sense because the environment didn’t look like it changed enough for it to be such a thing.

The Lord continued, so after the volcano I heard the Lord say:
“ A portal has opened”
& when He said a portal has opened I then knew there had been a release of a terrible evil none have seen to rome for a time.

I knew there had been some kind of opening maybe it was from CERN but they had done it they had got it to happen they had got the tear to take place &
I know many people think about three days of darkness & this & that I’m not even talking about that situation not even that’s not even about what I’m talking about.

They had done something terrible that was man done & it could not be undone & this evil had come out this evil had come out.

I’m not sure if people saw it but something about the air being of a different texture & it wasn’t like a heavy everybody knew but this was something where this was being noticed red iron oxide.

& I as I was still frozen looking around at these events that were taking place I saw to my right & as I was looking to my right in this Vision I saw where there was war torn countries. Countries that had they look exhausted literal land masses that just needed a break from war looking desolate looking ruined, ruined, like you don’t want to rebuild that place you just want to move to a new another location let that place just be desolate. You wouldn’t want to rebuild.

I saw this as a sign. These were signs, as we think these are just military operations of a terrible war machine killing people God says No, this is a sign of God.

The Lord continue to reveal, I saw in the lands that were still thriving, I saw economic problems, this time with food something about the food not being safe & more people were home growing food.
To a degree there was more people wanted to homegrown, like tomatoes, I definitely saw tomatoes in this vision. for whatever reason it was like we’re not going to get tomatoes from the store anymore. So I saw this type of growing.

I understood that in places where snow it shouldn’t have been, this has already been happening. I saw snow happening in Africa where shouldn’t be. I saw snow in different places, snow that wasn’t happening in Russia was now happening in China, something more south, it was different. These things were taking place in certain regions. I’m not saying Russia & China don’t get snow they both do, but not the whole area.

I began to see also as other signs, I saw ocean currents that were in the portions of Egypt, of South Africa, going in different direction, opposite directions towards Europe, towards Italy, towards the South part of Europe, ocean currents going opposite directions like trying to crash into the bottom of Europe. It was interesting ocean currents wanting to crash into the bottom of Europe from the Mediterranean Sea that did not make any sense;

It was that’s not the way they flow, I saw war crimes causing so much war on the East & Middle East. I saw where there was a great propping of these Elite War Elites wanting to, they were, escalating war by just doing war crime on top of war crime on top of war crime on top of War crime it was that’s all it was more war crimes to build up & prop up war on top of each other on top of each other.

After this I heard the Lord say:

“speed speed speed”

He said it to me three times.
He said “speed speed speed” is happening during this whole time until Jesus puts things into a new phase of prophetic events to take place.

I understood God was talking to me about the Great Tribulation & He said:

The Great Tribulation shall be a treacherous time for my Saints caused called by My name

God began to speak & say to me:

“I will cut off much Supply & funnel it to certain locations withstanding the events taking place. I will send angels to be of a greater manifestation for My purpose of protection for few that run to Me.”

The Lord said
“The world without lights to be a resilience & a rebellion against evil”

Us, gone lights taken out of position by the catching away or removal by persecution to never return until God & His government shifted into play.

I heard the Lord say:
I will govern My will upon this Earth after searing
fire has purged the land of the wickedness & man’s actions of evil intent all over the world

when I received this I expected God to continue to speak because I knew there was so much more He had to unpackage but then He stopped.

& so this is where I stop & leave you with the cliffhanger because there’s a lot more to go into & so this is the word the Revelation the vision that God wanted me to share with you guys today,

this isn’t sensationalism.
This is the heart of God calling you out, asking will you:

Will you submerge your life, your heart into Me. Will you give your all into Me?

Amen. these things are truly something we all have to consider

Thank You Jesus glory to God

(Minute: 1:17:00)

Outpouring Gates Ministry – Zach


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