9/8/24 8:28 AM
Anointed Melody
September 7, 2024 – I dreamed that I needed to get to work as soon as possible and asked my mother to drive me as she had a car. I told her the buses took too long or there were none. She didn’t have any sense of urgency and asked me to walk with her casually in the opposite direction. Then I dreamed I was in a homeless shelter. My mother was there again and said, “You were born a boy.” (In real life, I’m a girl) I said, “No, I’m not.” She repeated, “Yes, you were born a boy.” This time very angrily I yelled, “No I was not!” The influence of her saying this was so strong, when I awoke, I was thinking of how it might be possible that I’m a boy!!! As the dream continued, I borrowed a phone from someone else. The phone was a mix of old and new. Looked black like a smart phone, but it was at least eight inches long and one inch wide and had buttons you could press, not a full screen. I called my boss at work and said that I would be late and perhaps it’s best I don’t come in today at all. He told me that I was the only one who could do particular work with papers and the others weren’t very good at it. Then I sensed he wanted to fire me. I told him, “It’s okay if you want to fire me. I was thinking of quitting anyway.” When I said this, I looked at the phone and it had disconnected already!
Interpretation: Based on symbolism from my own and other’s dreams and interpretations, this is what I believe the dream means. In the first part, I represented a lost person with an urgent need to make it into the Kingdom of Heaven. The mother represents church elders, pastors, leaders, etc. who are not interested in my salvation. In fact, they want me to go in the opposite direction! In the next part, I represent a Christian. The mother again represents the leaders in the church who are wicked and are imbedded in the world and trying to take Christians to hell with them, teaching them wrong things that originate from satanic deception and nothing of God. The Bible verse of God giving people over to a “strong delusion” came to mind. The homeless shelter represents that I have not been keeping up the proper godly resources such as prayer, Bible study, and meeting with true, Holy Spirit filled Christians to keep the armor of God up. The borrowing of the phone to connect with God seems to also say this-that I no longer had this connection to the Lord directly. However, it might represent a need for others to help us also. I don’t know the meaning of the phone being old and new. The conversation with God (the boss) represents that I haven’t had the perseverence to keep going in my walk with the Lord and to keep doing the work He called me to do. If the phone was disconnected, could be satanic interference interrupting my walk with the Lord. If God hung up on me (!!) it reminds me of the verse, “Go away from me. I never knew you.”
Persevere God’s people! And keep speaking God’s truths to the world! Keep evangelizing. Time is short. Very short.