Parable: “Daddy, Please Fix It”
2/11/25 11:29 PM
Sarah (Jo-Jo)
Given 2/11/25 1:25 pm
Parable: “Daddy Please Fix It”
Every day, a little girl would meet her Father in a beautiful countryside field filled with grasses and wildflowers. She loved these special moments with her Daddy. They usually spent a joyful afternoon together eating a picnic, talking, laughing, and taking in the beauty all around them.
This little child adored her Father. The way He treated her made her know that she was loved, secure, and cared for. Sometimes her Dad would fix broken things that she brought to Him. There was nothing that her Father couldn’t do. With Him all things were possible.
Today, she stepped into the field at her usual time and sat down to wait for her Father. She felt somber this day, and she looked down at her hands. They had smudges of dirt on them. She opened her fist and let the broken items that were in it drop into the lap of her dress. Her white, flowy dress was stained. Tears formed in her eyes and one dropped onto her dress. The filth made her so sad.
She knew her Father would make everything ok again, but she wished she could be happy like usual when meeting with her Dad. She bit her lip as more tears fell. She noticed some bleeding scratches on her arm. She began to cry, just as any brokenhearted little girl would.
“My precious child, why are you crying?” She heard the gentle, loving Voice of her Father. She didn’t jump up and run into His arms like she usually did. Instead, she cried harder, covering her face with her hands.
She felt her Father’s near Presence as He Sat down next to her.
“Oh, Daddy! I have something for You to fix! N I got all dirty, n (*sniff*) my dress is stained, n I have these scratches…” She blurted out, taking a moment to wipe her cheek, then she showed her Dad the scratches.
Her Father looked at the scratches and dirt and whispered, “I see…”
“And Daddy, I broke this and its ugly now!” She picked up the broken pieces of what used to be a pearl necklace and showed them to her Father. She felt so sad because He had given her this necklace and she had cherished it. The tears kept falling.
“How did this happen, daughter?” He asked with such love that she gushed out her story. She could tell Him everything.
“Well, the day that I skipped our meeting, I showed some pigs what You had given me. They acted nice at first, but then they started saying bad things about You. I got mad and climbed into the pigpen. My hands and dress got dirty, and they broke my necklace and trampled on it.”
She coughed and cried as the painful memory came to mind. Her Father comforted her patiently. She wiped her face with the back of her hands.
“Why’d they have to be so mean, Daddy? And I should have ran from them, but instead I yelled at them for saying mean things about You. I wanted to tell them that You are not like what they were saying. Then they kicked me and I fell and scratched my arms. I grabbed my broken necklace and got out of there after that to come tell You. But now I’m dirty and Your gift to me is broken. It’s all my fault! I’m so sorry Daddy!” She cried in regret for a few minutes.
“Look at Me, precious child,” her Daddy whispered. He gently lifted her countenance. As always, she saw only pure love in His eyes…love she knew she didn’t deserve, and yet… He wiped away another tear that started to run down her face.
“Do you love Me, daughter?”
“Yes, Father, I love you. But I broke this pearl necklace and some pearls were trampled into the mud! I am so sad. Will You fix it, Daddy?” She held up the dirty, broken remnants of her necklace.
“Baby girl, come here.” Her Father pulled her close. “You brought the brokenness to Me, that is the right thing to do. I am willing to cleanse you. First, let’s clean your wounds. He washed her bleeding scratches and put ointment on them. He wiped the dirt off of her hands, feet, and dress.
“Please forgive me, Daddy.”
“I forgive you precious one. Do you trust Me?”
“Yes, Daddy, I trust You.”
“Then hand Me the broken things, put them into My hands. ”
She put all the pieces of the broken, dirty, trampled-on pearl necklace into her Father’s hands.
Everlasting Father, Word of God spoke again. “By My stripes, you are healed. It is a contrite heart that is an acceptable offering to Me.” He smiled and said, “now give me those things you still carry.”
At first, she didn’t understand. Then she realized that there was a heavy backpack on her back. She removed it and opened it. Inside were heavy black stones. She looked at her Father for an explanation.
“Daughter, when you sin or are sinner against, the enemy of your soul puts weights onto you. If you don’t come to Me right away to repent and/or forgive others, the weights add up and can make your heart sick. If you ask Me, I will replace these stone weights with a heart of flesh.” Her Father paused, then said, “Let’s look at what you are carrying.”
She pulled two stones out of the backpack. She held them up and her Father’s light exposed the names on them. Guilt and Shame.
“I took your guilt and shame when My Blood was shed for you on the cross, daughter. I don’t condemn you, I forgive you because you asked Me to. Now give these to Me.” His Voice was soft and filled with such love, she felt overwhelmed. She handed her merciful Father the guilt and shame.
“What else, child?”
She dug deep and pulled out two more stones. These were named Anger and Unforgiveness. At first, she clenched her fingers around these stones. Wasn’t it right for her to hold onto these? The pigs had been so mean and hurtful.
“Child, I won’t force you to give Me these. But if you hold on to them, My Holy Spirit won’t remain with you. The enemy will have an open door to make your heart close toward Me.” Her Father’s Words sounded a little sad, as though her choice could cause His heart to hurt.
She opened her fingers and looked at the Anger and Unforgiveness that she held onto. She didn’t want anything more than her Father’s nearness. There was only real joy in His Presence.
“Father, take not Your Holy Spirit from me!” She quickly dropped the stones into her Dad’s hands.
Suddenly, she dumped the rest of the backpack’s contents into her Father’s hands. The backpack disappeared. “Create a clean heart in me, and renew a right Spirit in me, Daddy!” She said with complete sincerity.
Her Father forgave her and led her in prayer for those who had harmed her. They talked for a while about everything. Her heart began to feel light and they laughed like they usually did. The tears were gone.
She watched as her Daddy lifted the collection of stones. With a quick motion He threw them. They were out of sight in an instant. She looked questioningly at her Father.
“Your sins that you have confessed, and the sins done against you that you forgave, are tossed into the depths of the sea, I will not remember your sin. You are forgiven, child.”
Her heart felt fresh and clean. She stood up and twirled around, she laughed and then hugged her Father around His neck. “Oh Daddy, thank You! You fixed me!” She felt His perfect pure Love. Her heart overflowed with abundant joy and she laughed again.
She enjoyed a picnic with her Father. Holy Spirit taught her as she ate her daily Manna. Once her lessons were over, her Father gave her some Words of advice and warning. He gave her some work to do.
She stood to go be about her Father’s business. She felt His strength and knew He would help her.
“One more thing, baby girl.” Her Father said. She looked up at Him and He had a kind smile on His Face. “Take this with you. Remember not to let pigs near it.”
In His hand was a brand new, shiny pearl necklace! Her eyes got big, then she smiled and said, “I knew You would fix it, Daddy! Thank You!” She hugged her Father and He put the necklace around her neck.
“Finish your race now, precious one,” said her Father. “Remember I am with you always, to the end!”
“Daddy, I will tell of Your wonderful works! I want EVERYONE to know You, but I’ll follow Your lead this time, Daddy. Thank You, Daddy!”
With on hand on her new pearl necklace, and one hand blowing kisses to her Father…the little girl turned to go do His will. She wanted her life to give Him glory!
Photos courtesy Depositphotos