May 23, 2024 12:47 AM
Daniel Masika
Rhcp co.ke
Dear beloved Friends and Partners on 444 prophecy News
We were Busy on the Flooded farm trying to make trenches that will lead the water to the small river, because even our Roads to the orphanage was flooded and also the farm we planted corns and beans with kales and cabbage was flooded, But waters have taken directions to the river and has reduced only damaged a lot of our crops we are re-planting again God bless you and thank you for being part of us, we love you so much!!!! Below is the short video showing what happened with flooded waters in my Area, on below video there is woman and children who are victims of flood that washed away everything their need some help to start again, Please We need to re-Plant our field again ,we need to raise $900 now and if you wish to help the woman with three children $800 will get them another rental house, food, blankets, Clothes, and children go back to school with everything needed.
Please to sent Your Donation via PayPal Click here
Website https://www.rhcp.co.ke
Email:: rhcpngo@gmail.com
Much Love