Prophecy, Word

Operation Aurora – Summer Joy Christner

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Operation Aurora

10/20/24 12:40 AM
Summer Joy Christner

Received on October 14-16, 2024

(At minimum, please consider watching the opening scenes in this video link. The first part of the video contains additional, pictorial information. There’s also information at the very end of the video regarding a song link.)

On the 15th of October, 2024, the Lord gave me a dream. I dreamed that my husband was driving our bus, and he laid his gun down beside him on a console. Suddenly my husband wrecked the bus, and it went rolling sideways, over and over. Since the gun was not secured in his waist belt, it went off during the accident and shot him. We rushed to get him emergency aid.

The gun symbolizes a modern replacement for our ancient sword—which represents the truth of God’s Word. Just as a sword may pierce the heart, so also may a bullet pierce the heart.

The school bus represents our teaching tool for spreading the Gospel. This tool is our living sacrifice, as we carry out God’s Law, or exercise love toward God and our neighbor. However, if we lay the truth aside, and our testimony of Love fails, then we will find ourselves injured by the very same Word of Truth that we imagined we possessed. We claimed the Truth as our own, but we didn’t live it. We “laid it beside us, but failed to put it on our person.”

Our vehicle for spreading the Gospel will be damaged when our testimony of Love crashes. If we do not properly live out God’s laws of Love, then we simply do not have a solid vehicle to spread the Gospel of Yeshua. If our sacrifice does not mirror His sacrifice, then our testimony falls to the ground. In the long run, the credibility of God’s people is injured.

America has received signs of enemy invasion because we have actively permitted a “Trojan Horse.” This Trojan Horse is supported by the highest seats in our land, and is supported by many leaders in our congregations. This enemy is not truly subject to Christ, and yet seeks to be more Christ-like than the Church. It strips us of our testimony by serving the people and stealing our commission from us. It strips us of our wealth by taking away our opportunities to store up treasure in heaven, through our good works. This enemy holds out a helping hand to the inhabitants of our country and says, “If you support me, then I will relieve you of the burden of having to be like Jesus. I will build others up for you, so that you do not need to.”

Our enemy discovered the source of the Church’s strength: servanthood. This is the true source of her leadership. When servanthood is cut off, God’s Remnant diminishes in power. Because of this compromise, her strength—like Samson’s strength—is cut off. We come under enemy invasion. Now we give ground to the Philistines.

If we wish to regain the Kingdom, we must become the greatest servants of God’s Kingdom. We must overcome all invasions of the enemy by picking up our crosses and taking back our title—even the low-paid title of a servant.

To be a servant in the Lord’s army is a position without much honor. Does a field hand dress in regal robes while he cuts the wheat and binds the sheaves? Is not his position a lowly one?

The true Remnant have stood silent for too long. The true Remnant have permitted others to do her job for her.

Yeshua is now activating His “Operation Aurora.” It is a stealthy, undercover operation. It is a global operation. He seeks to take power back to His throne, through dedicated use of the hands and feet of His own, dear Bride. If we wish to usurp Esau, we must reclaim the jobs which were taken. We must actively reclaim power unto our Lord and His Bride.

The Church is not to be despised, but rather, to be raised up and restored. We suckled at her breast, as a child, and she brought us up into the knowledge of the Truth. She placed Bibles into our hands, and she spread the Word of God throughout the earth.

Those who despise the true testimony of her Gospel, will be cut down. And those who desire for her destruction more than her repentance will lose their shade tree during the Day of Judgment.

These words below were given to me on Jan. 21-30, 2023 and Oct. 15, 2024

Open your mouth, my child;
Speak my truth.
The world must hear
every word you have to say.
It will burn like fire.
The price will be paid
for the blood that has been shed.
Murderers will demand your blood,
but the blood that will be shed
is their own.

This time you will escape,
my child.
This time you will be passed over,
but you must do exactly as I say.
You must put on your spiritual armor.
You must open your mouth
and speak My Truth.
You must also live my Truth.
This time it will not return void.
Today is the Day of Judgment.
This day the blood will be shed;
It is required.

My truth is a sword.
My law is perfect.
You will Live My Word,
and by My Word
will the enemies of the Lord
be slain.
Ten thousands of my saints
will lift the lid
on Pandora’s Box.

Yacob raises his arm once again,
and presents it to his father.
His arm is covered
with the hair of Esau.
He presents as a sheep
in the clothing of a wolf.
His heart is soft.
And yet, it must not break.
The enemies of Yahweh
must be defeated.

Yacob supplants the fool;
The kingdom is his inheritance,
but he will pay a price.
Yacob comes to bring redemption.
He will flee for his life;
he will depart from the goods of Egypt
to bring redemption.
The bitter cup must be drunk.
Yeshua drank it.

The house of Esau is accursed.
Innocent lives have been cut off.
Esau is a hunter,
but he becomes the hunted.
The chariot wheels
roll off once again.
Pharaoh’s army is submerged.
The ground quakes
beneath the sons of Korah.
The earth breaks apart;
Division swallows division.
Darkness encases the coffin
Of the impostor.
Darkness from within the heart
Reaches upward.
The resurrection of evil

The Kingdom flows outward from within,
My son.
Soon you will awaken
Like a slumbering giant.
You will rise upward from the earth
A renewed man!

My city streets will turn to gold
beneath your fingertips.
You will bring life again to the earth.
From your mouth will flow
a fountain of life,
a fountain of youth.
You are my prized possession.
You are my beloved,
my beautiful queen.

Where are your teachers, my child?
I see them not.
I see many who love to tickle ears.
I see many who love to play a fiddle,
without playing.
I see many who love to sing,
without singing.
I see many who hear,
without hearing.
To hear is to obey.
To hear is to imitate My example.

I am your King.
I alone am your example.
I said, “Your will be done, Father
—not my own.”
I said, “Father forgive them;
they know not what they do.”
It is hard to follow My example.
It will pain you to follow Me.
The cup that I drank is full of sorrow.
Drink it with Me, My child.
If you wish to be with Me,
then drink it.

From my bed of sorrow
rises a mountain of beauty—
like a vessel on a potter’s wheel.
It rises and takes intricate shape
beneath My Hand.
It compares to none other.
My mountain, my queen.

Bedecked with jewels of splendor,
shining like the sun,
dazzling the eye with color;
You are My rainbow of promise.
You are my Northern Lights—
the work of My Hands.
Through you,
I will renew the withered grass.
Through you,
the dew of the earth will be restored.

You are a sun
who burns seven times brighter.
You are a furnace
who burns seven times hotter:
My queen purified and refined.
Nothing evil can stand before you.
Nothing formed against you in darkness
will prosper.
You are my reflection;
When others see you, they see Me.
You are My hand of beauty
and of judgment.

Tens of thousands follow after Me,
My beloved son,
My army,
queen of Heaven.
You are great
like the stars of Heaven,
sands of the sea,
children of Yacob.
You drifted away;
Your light faded like a sunset,
but you return with the morning light,
brighter than ever before.
Your beauty is blinding;
nothing can withstand it;
Nothing can compare!

My promise endures,
oh Judah and Ephraim,
My double rainbow emerges
in the heavens!
My Light will never go out again.
My beauty will never fade.
Through Me,
you are eternal.


Consider looking up the YouTube video, featuring the song “Giant” by Calvin Harris. It features a young man and his mother—the one who nurtured and raised him, as a child. She represents the bedrock or foundational elements of the Christian upbringings in our nation. This solid foundation is now cracking and is in great need of repair. Our foundation is sinking, and is in need of being raised.

It’s now our turn, as the true remnant, to step up to the plate and to finish this race. The world will stand upon our strength, because Christ is our solid foundation! It’s time for us to reel in the fish. We will harvest crops in the midst of our wilderness, and resurrect the root crops. We will prepare them for our Lord, even as the sun goes down.

In this music video we also see the signs of the double witness, the red and blue, the blood of our sacrifice, and washing of our regeneration. This is our power—to unite the two, to bring God’s people together under healing rains. It’s now our job, through great sacrifice, to recruit the Lord’s vast army of witnesses!

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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