One Collective Under God
June 17, 2024 10:12 AM
My chosen, the ones I Am counting on, our time of service is about to commence. We suit up our battle gear for those who need our service. We wait for our instructions as we focus on our leader, I Am. We know we have been chosen for this assignment from the beginning of time.
Woe to the inhabitants of the Earth, for there is no more time left to squander. All warnings have been given.
Everything good is connected to you. Everything righteous is connected to you. You are the I Am, that makes that difference within our souls.
As we go thru each part of our life, you become engrained in us, as we spend time with you. As we become more like you, we show your qualities thru our actions, deeds, and persona. The goal is oneness with you. When I cannot find much of a difference, between you and me, I know I have succeeded. I know that I am on that narrow path that few find.
I find you because I search you out and make you number one, in my life. I leave behind all sin, like a discarded rag, that has no value. We work together, doing what is necessary, to help others find their way.
One collective under God, we move in his love, to heal the afflicted and change the route that has been travelled by many.
We are part of the few, gathering those who need a shepherd and a direction. There is nothing that cannot be done, with God and his love. We continue, under the Son, until we are done.
Photos courtesy Pixabay