Obama, Prophecy

“Obama will be resurfacing as the “good guy” again saving the poor and creating a fake peace.” – Wendi Lee

“Obama will be resurfacing as the “good guy” again saving the poor and creating a fake peace.” – Wendi Lee

Wendi Lee


This is the God of the Universe speaking it will behoove you to take heed and to obey what My Word says. Let Father tell you that My Scriptures have My Very Breath of Life upon them. Father will never lead My Children astray by telling them to take other books as My Holy Word and Authority. There are too many of My Children putting their trust in books other than My Book of Truth,Life, and Love. Be careful who you listen to My Children.

Father tests His Messengers as My Obedient Servant and Prophetess has been tested beyond what Father gives to His Saints. She knows this and has told you this before. She receives My Words directly from Me Papa God Yaheveh. Does not My Word state that My Prophets will see God, be introduced to Him? My True Prophets and Prophetesses have met My Son Yeshua and when My Son knows they are ready they are introduced to Me Father of All. They are given ever such painful training for to have this job means much jeering and scoffing and no comprehension of what they go through spiritually.

Wendi Lee has been and will continue to be raised up for My Son’s Final Battle on this earth. She will be used in My Mighty Ways against the enemy. She will scale walls and be in My Heavenlies for rest and be going back and forth between earth and My Throne Room. It is time My Children to rise up and meet the challenge that My Son Yeshua has for you. Open your sleepy eyes and see spiritually. It will be devastating what is coming and what is already here. Obama will be resurfacing as the “good guy” again saving the poor and creating a fake peace. God Jehovah expects all of My Son’s Bride to come to Me and ask Me if I have exposed who the antichrist is. You need to be ever so vigilant My Children. Take heed, beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Keep your thoughts captured as I AM The Mighty One in pulling down strongholds.

The evil one’s invasion begins with a tiny seed that is a lie planted in the mind. Don’t let the deception take its root My Children. You have a weapon and His Name is Yeshua HaMashiach The Name Above All Names. This is all for now. Father God Yaheveh speaks My Thoughts through My Beloved Servant and Obedient Prophetess Wendi Lee

Num. 12:5 And the LORD came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood in the door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam: and they both came forth.

Num. 12:6 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.

Youtube 21Mar2018 Come to Yeshua Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


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