
Now You Will Shine – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Now You Will Shine

10/27/24 10:23 AM


Those on the narrow path have been there awhile.  They wait patiently for “the roles” they have been given to begin.  They have rarely complained, have learned about me and my Kingdom, and have learned how to love others unconditionally.  Most are simple folks with no ulterior motives or plans.  They wait, for their time to shine, (which) has almost arrived.  They read my Word, while they wait in the background, and spend time with me daily.  Some work to help those less fortunate, while others scribe my Words.  Some put into Words the dreams and visions I have given to them, so others can benefit from the gifts given to them.  Some have YouTube and Tick Tock channels promoting my love and guidance.

What most of these children have is love for others and the ability to give of themselves.  They are not selfish or greedy and have learned patience along the way.  They follow close in my footsteps and are role models to those they encounter.

If you are one of these chosen children, I applaud you.  The destination has been littered with tests, roadblocks and stop signs along the way.  You have navigated through them perfectly and now you will shine.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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