Oct 27, 2019, 2:20 AM
Collins Ouma
Praise the Lord fellow saint.As in obedience to the Lord’s command i went to Pemba to accomplish and prophetically make declarations against the nation of Pemba Island Zanzibar.The Lord had commanded that I pronounce judgement against all forms of evil,idolatry,witchcraft,sorcery,demonic and the spirit of allah in the land of Pemba Island and that i declare salvation,healing and deliverance upon that land.In carrying out this task the Holy Spirit reveals the key and strategic position of Pemba in regard to Islamic rule and control of East,Central and West Africa.
That Pemba was a stronghold for the spirit of idolatry of allah and islamic persecutions against Christians. All islamic rules,celebrations,control holds its centre stage in this nation though a tiny one it looks.Three major demonic and satanic gateways and portals of the powers of hell and evil controlling East,West and Central Africa were here located at the ports of Wete,Mkoani and Wesha.
This served as gateways to Satanists, witches, wizards, sorcerers and false prophets all over the world.I am here reporting that through the mighty name of Jesus they have been shut and closed by the Lord and the land of Pemba Island is now under the rule and control of the hand of the mighty Jehovah under it will soon see and witness great harvest of souls for Christ as the restraining powers of evil has been removed by the Lord and the work of evangelism can now be carried out successfully. Such is the power and ability of our Lord.
Just to let u know the believers in that place were under 100%persecution both by the people and by the islamic inclined government.I was made aware by the very few local believers that the mention of the name Jesus in the street was enough to attract public mob justice from the islamic adherents. The Christians there are living under fear of their lives,family and properties.The few churches are located in the army barracks because of attacks any time.Even while in the church and houses prayers are made in complete whispers or silence.
I remember as we hold night fellowship with few saints we ensured all doors and Windows tightly closed and curtains drawn even during the day.
Upon arrival I was unable to secure a room for they are very suspicious of arrivals but God connected me supernaturally to one believer whom the landlord thoroughly questioned whom i was.i am sorry to say that he had to lie that i was his far lost cousin otherwise it would have raised questions and suspicious. in the streets while doing warfare prayer walking i had to greet the passing crowds in their islamic greetings;Salaam aleikum to hide whom i was.
Now i understand what it means to serve the Lord under fear and persecution and the NEED FOR CONSTANT PRAYER AND INTERCESSION FOR BELIEVERS IN SUCH AREAS AND NATIONS.
If you have a chance and freedom right now to worship and serve God do it now when conditions are still ok and right for you otherwise times will be upon you when you may look back and desire those moments fellow saints.
The believers in Pemba were so much edified strengthened and encouraged of what the Lord plans to do in their land and the fact that He sent me to them all over from Busia Kenya. They never even wanted me to get back to Kenya.Their zeal and hunger and thirst for the Lord has been tremendously increased.
Thank you fellow saint you who took your time to pray and support the work of the Lord in Pemba Island. May God continue to bless you tremendously and keep you forever under His watch.
Lets together continue to pray and intercede for each other all over the globe and let’s move out to conquer and establish kingdoms and territories for the Lord Jesus Christ.