Dream, Russia, War

NATO Had Fallen – Moorkopje


NATO Had Fallen

1/4/25 6:13 AM

2025-01-04 13:01:

Dear sir, madam,

my husband had the following dream:

IN DUTCH: Droom man – date of the dream was 31 december 2024

Hij zag zeer geavanceerde vliegtuigen vliegen. Opeens was er een enorme explosie. Het NAVO hoofdkwartier was gebombardeerd/NAVO was gevallen. Russische militairen bezetten Nederland en drongen woningen binnen en dwongen mensen om te werken. Ook gehandicapten.

In ENGLISH translation:

Dream husband of Moorkopje – date of the dream was 31 december 2024

He saw very advanced planes flying. Suddenly there was a huge explosion. NATO headquarters had been bombed/NATO had fallen. Russian soldiers occupied the Netherlands and entered homes and forced people to work. Also disabled people.

There are indeed prophecy’s of God which declare there will be WWIII and Europe will be invaded. So that is why we want to warn as wel!

Moorkopje: (In Dutch:)

Ik had gebeden over een bepaald onderwerp dat ik droevig ben dat er zoveel mensen wegvallen…

God liet me weten in een droom dat voordat God spreekt Hij (soms) heart-broken is van de dingen die wij als mens doen… 💖🙏🏻🔥😢

Moorkopje (In English:)

I had prayed about a certain topic that I am sad that so many people are falling away…

God let me know in a dream at 3 january 2025 that before God speaks He is (sometimes) deeply saddened by the things we as humans do… 💖🙏🏻🔥😢

And so again that / the responsibility that we as humans have for the deeds / actions that we do ourselves… 💡👇🏻 – the sins that we commit ourselves. (Also earlier in a dream) People often do NOT want to hear it, but it is the truth.



Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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