
My Words Will Now Morph Into Reality – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

My Words Will Now Morph Into Reality

10/18/24 10:32 PM


You are getting into a new realm of what will be happening in your World. I Am here to guide you and show you the way when you feel all is lost. I will wake-up senses you have not had in the past and will guide you to safe havens when needed. Most of everything will pass away in time with all changes. But eventually a new Earth, a new way will take its place. Many lessons will be learned as these changes occur. Hang on to me in communion, prayer, hearing and reading of my Word (and praise) to stay strong against any enemy forces. Do not go back to old ways for that is a tactic of the enemy to enslave you in sin. For you know that no sin enters into my Kingdom.

Watch as all changes now. Be ready for the unexpected. My Words will now morph into reality to finish “the script” that was spoken long ago.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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