Judgment, Prophecy

My Vengeance – Whitney Eslick Manuel

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My Vengeance

11/27/24 12:25 PM
Whitney Eslick Manuel

11-27-2024 12:48PM

As the LORD began to speak to me to write for Him, I stopped and prayed to be given grace to hear His voice alone, not my own or any other. When He told me to continue, I said, “I’m trusting in You.” He responded, “So be it. Now write.”

“Whitney, you have known My presence. You have known My peace. Now you will know and experience My vengeance upon this world. My vengeance is not for you, nor is it for My Bride, those steadfastly in Me. I AM your safety. I AM your portion. And I AM your trust. But you will bear witness and witness you must, because when these things unfold, as My vengeance takes place, you need to witness to the world what is transpiring and why it has happened. Tell them it is My judgment on sin unrepented, wickedness unchecked, unstopped. Tell them My warnings, My multitude of warnings were cast aside and went unheeded, unrecognized, and not obeyed. This is My last attempt before the reign of evil takes over in full force, yes, the reign of the Man of Sin, before his formal introduction and ultimate takeover on your world’s stage. No warning or judgment is too harsh if it leads your people to Me, JESUS CHRIST, for the salvation of their souls. No warning is too harsh if it serves to deliver another precious soul to My FATHER, for His House to be full. It will be harsh, My daughter. It will be most severe and shocking. But you, My Bride, see it for what it is and get to work. Shine My Light for all people to see. Many will come running. I provide the coming judgments for these. This is My mercy and My grace mixed in My vengeance. Vengeance to all the wicked who will not bow, who will not turn from their ways. Vengeance is provided as due returns on their payments. But mercy and grace, severe and manifold, for those who will in no other way turn their hearts and their thoughts finally to Me. I love these this much. I will provide what is needed for the hardened children to begin to soften under the manifold presence of the Fear of the LORD UNSHEATHED. My Beloved ones, begin to pray now for all these things if you have not already done so. Increase your time with Me in intercession. It is needed now more than ever.”


“Even while you sleep among the sheep pens, the wings of My dove are sheathed with silver, its feathers with shining gold.”
Psalm 68:13

“The chariots of GOD are tens of thousands and thousands of thousands…”
Psalm 68:17

“Our GOD is a God who saves; from the Sovereign LORD comes escape from death.”
Psalm 68:20


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