My Bride
9/5/24 6:01 PM
Abigail Permewan
The bridegroom came, then they that were ready went in with Him to the marriage, and the door was shut Matthew 25:10
My bride is precious to Me my son. She has been arrayed in fine jewels, precious stones, white garments of fine linen. She has made herself holy, pure and undefiled. She has made herself ready, she has been prepared to meet her bridegroom.
The hour is near. Your bridegroom is preparing the final details, to welcome His bride into the bridal chamber. The hour is coming, when the bridegroom shall present His bride to all Creation. She shall bring glory to Him and His Father.
All Creation shall bow down before Her. She shall condem every lie, every deception. She shall awaken many who have not heeded the Word of their Saviour. They have not prepared for His coming. They shall be in despair, they shall be crying out to Him.
For many have not prepared, they have been decieved by every wind of doctrine. Doctrines of men, doctrines of demons. They have not sought the truth, but rather rely on the words of men. They have not humbled themselves before my feet. They have not made Me their first love. Many shall fall away and depart from the faith. They shall deny Me before men, and I shall deny them before my Father.
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