Warning, Judgment, Testimony


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10/19/24 10:11 PM
Handmaid of the Most High

October 17, 2024 early AM began, completed October 19, 2024

Matthew 24:12-14 KJV
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. [13] But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. [14] And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

I was finishing the Prophecy –“I WILL DESTROY ALL THOSE WHO COMPROMISE WITH EVIL”, when the Holy Spirit directed me, that the time was now to write and post this.

The Holy Spirit has been speaking to me for around a year about sharing my experiences with different life forms/entities during my childhood, youth and early adult years.

This is incredibly difficult for me. I have resisted because nearly all my experiences were traumatic. Most incredibly frightening as well, witnessing things that seemed impossible. In every encounter, I always felt inferior to the entity (especially being a child and both physically and mentally) and was directed to perform tasks that were frightening. I had no power to resist. Refusal was ignored and the activity proceeded in whatever format they chose.

My experiences were incredibly terrifying and I still have blocked much of what I saw. Some of my experiences seem beyond belief even to me as a mature adult Christian. I have been in denial for decades.

Those who identify as Christians, have often treated what I have shared with contempt and at best dismiss them as fantasies or at worse as blatant lies.

I was a product of a culture having been taught in church that the only other “life forms” that exist are demons. Period. End of Story and no arguments. Thus, believing that anything else “out there” was ludicrous and truly, ‘out there’.

Then, I started having dreams about five or so years ago but upon waking just chocked it up as being merely weird dreams and/or perhaps a memory as a result of something drug induced. After all, as early as age 3, I remember my parents drugging me because I would struggle and caused problems by resisting them during satanic rituals, particularly when I was about to be raped during a satanic ritual. With enough severe beatings which prevented me from walking for days, having food and water withheld for days at a time and as well as experiencing many broken toes and wrist (broken with a hammer at age 4), I stopped fighting back for the most part, doing what was required of me.

Then around 2017, the Holy Spirit started directing me to information that Christian people were sharing regarding the existence of other life forms.

He reminded me of one of the pastor’s sermons I had heard years ago, when I was a babe in Christianity. The pastor taught on Genesis 6 and Nephilim (the outcome of breeding demons and humans). It was then, the Holy Spirit revealed to me, many of these high level satanists were actually Nephilim masquerading as human.

Many of them you have seen in the news, some of them are highly admired. They have created devices that have garnered great enthusiasm and are voices and minds guiding technology forward. But in actuality, they are actually sharing their ancient technology which is based in wickedness. While this technology seems to create ease and greater technological experiences, they are trapping you into relying upon their system. These creatures masquerading as humans, are captains of industry and their actions are widely followed all over the world. More and more, you will even see them on featured on news programs in a variety of careers and lifestyles.

For years, I have asked the Lord to remove these memories because they were so traumatic, especially some of the experiments which, were quite painful and I still do not understand why these things were done to me. I have health problems some I believe are directly connected with the experiments that were done and for which there appear to no treatments to reverse them.

Our government as well as others are intricately involved. I did not volunteer for any of this, much happened at a very young age and continued into my 30’s, to my best recollection. Much of the experiments I was forced to participate in happened underground at military bases here and abroad as well as various NASA installations. In fact, at some NASA locations much more experimentation happened there than actual activity associated with space exploration.

Additionally, there was a portal in the Amazon, in Brazil, deep in the jungle that gave access to various communities under the earth. One place I visited several times, I believe was the basis for the movie, “The Lost Horizon”, the setting was incredibly accurate. My first visit that I remember I was four (I was taken by an adult guide, who was familiar with the site). I was taken back there repeatedly.

The entities living there were human in appearance but they were not like us and they are not Nephilim but I do not know/remember what to call them. They had greater intelligence, greater wisdom and psychic powers. My interactions were pleasant as far as I remember but I don’t know why I was taken there and most of what transpired remains blocked. Being so young, I felt very intimidated, however, they made a great effort in trying to put me at ease. Other entities, I encountered were not at all pleasant but terrifying and demanding.

I will share more in a future post as I am instructed. Please pray about what I shared instead of just labeling me “a nut case” or setting it aside because it is too scary. The Holy Spirit spoke to me this past Tuesday, sharing that despite the many attempts on my life and my momentary death during surgery in 1995, sharing this information is part of my purpose on earth. For he desires one of His own, to share personal experiences from the perspective and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Make no mistake, our God is supreme over all creations. He has more power than they do. I do not understand the purpose of these other creatures or their roles. The Holy Spirit has not seen fit to share this specific information with me. I think perhaps, I need greater faith to replace the fear I experienced as a young child, who didn’t understand God the way an adult would/does. Will you pray that whatever is necessary for such revelation, to take place?

I believe the primary reason for disclosure is that soon, these entities will make a move to have complete and utter control over the entire earth and they will utilize the AntiChrist to do so.

Already, they are working with the key world governments in power. The U.S. does not have an exclusive access for interaction with these beings. They are not baffled by human languages. They will first rule through these governments (again, most are already controlled by the Nephilim) and they have far more control than we understand. Because these beings are far more intelligent than humanity, they will maneuver and manipulate situations causing humanity to be completely submitted to them as slaves. Once they have completed that portion of their plan (and it is nearly complete), then the AntiChrist takes over. Those who remain in Christ, will be targeted for removal and elimination. That plan is already underway and will become more and more obvious as people disappear and eventually it will be made known that those without that mark are delivered for physical death.


~Handmaid of the Most High~ Acts 2:17-18

I share because I am called by the Heavenly Father to do so. Those who know the extent of my experiences often state that it should be impossible that I would survive so many things. Frankly, I never imagined I would still be dealing even great treachery at this point in my life. It seems never ending and the extreme harassment I experience for speaking about it is daunting. I covet your prayers. It is the only reason, I am still functioning. Physically speaking, doing the very basics like bathing and driving are both very painful and exhausting. I need assistance for basic tasks and it is costly to hire help. If you would like to ease my burden by helping with my medical and home care expenses, please reach out to 444prophecynews.com host, for sending funds. Thank you and God Bless You.

The following video had been playing when the Holy Spirit directed me to write this testimony.


Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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