
Message to the Nations! – McKana

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Message to the Nations!

July 5, 2024 8:00 PM

July 5, 2024

For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. Psalm 100:5(KJV)

The Lord Almighty God, the creator of everything created, the most high God who has a perfect control over everything He created, who at the end judges the entire world, gave instruction and order to His children saing “Feed the Nations”

Before we go into the essence of the message, have a look at the latest data.

  1. Global

    “More than 5.55 billion people worldwide have received a dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, equal to about

    72.3 percent of the world population. This map shows the stark gap between vaccination programs in different countries.”

  2. The US

“At least 270,227,181 people or 81% of the population have received at least one dose. Overall, 230,637,348 people or 70% of the population are considered fully vaccinated.”

What doe this mean???

There is no need to go into much detail. The Lord personally, in clear terms gave me a precise word saying:-

“Until they do, they repent not, they will go to hell”

The same message is posted in this website on May 18, 2021

“Until they do, they repent not, they will go to hell”MAY 18, 2021 McKANA

Before the jabs are developed, the Lord gave us messages, countless messages and warnings. In our capacity we sent a message for the nations as early as January 7, 2021. This was a small section of the message:

“Billions around are ready to take the “Vaccine.” This message is for the Billions who are deceived thinking the vaccine saves their life. The time of mocking and scoffing is over. It is either live or die, go to heaven or hell, there is no middle ground. Soon, the world will face a change and the old order of things will be no more, the good old times will be the time of the past, history, forgotten, gone. These repeated messages and warnings might sound boring. Think of hell, in the lake of fire for eternity, forever. There are billions who know nothing about what is befalling them soon. This is for these billions.”

“After all these repeated messages and warnings, there is no excuse. There is no one to blame heaven or Earth. When the life and eternal destiny of Billions is hanging on the cliff, it is legitimate to send billions of messages and warnings for the billions.”

A Message For the Nations!

Billions to be Vaccinated, the Message for the Billions. You are warned! January 7, 2021. MCKANA

Yes, 5.5 billion people, which equal to about 72.3 percent of the world population have taken the Jabs. The truth is three jabs and three boosters were implemented, totally 6 jabs(make a note of the number.)

After all this, what happened? Each jab in three or four months is dead. By now, all of the jabs are dead and no one has the anticipated immunity. God forbid, if there is another round of the pandemic, all will be new to it. Much more, the jabbed will suffer more for their immunity is compromised from the repeated jabs. Medications are dose dependent. In reality, in a number of ways, those who have not taken the jabs are in better conditions.

The most important point is, Almighty God has been warning all that the jabs will change the DNA of those who take it. The change in the DNA makes people other than what God created. Their flesh will be sick.

Is that all? No, there is more to it. Through time, the spirit of those who took it will be changed. The Lord has opened my spiritual eyes to see, to see in the spirit realm. I have written many messages in this area. I see a change in the spirit of those I know who has taken the jabs(few as revealed to me.). I know their spirit before and I have seen their spirit after. There is a change and the change is as we are told, not good at all. The making of dark spirits and the making of typical zombie is manifested.

We have to tell the truth as we are instructed. After we are repeatedly warned that there is no remedy without repentance, to be simple observers when the life of 5.5 billion people are at the edge of hell, to the lake of fire of hell is to be unwise and accountable.

Through repentance, people save their soul and the merciful Lord will heal their flesh. There is nothing to lose from repentance. There is heaven to gain.

The jabs are gone, the pandemic seams to die but the sad story continues.

Take this message to heart for own good, not as an offense. This is for the benefit of all, for the everlasting.

Like any other person, the writer can remain silent but this is the life of 5.5 billion people.

Be Wise!

Repent and Be Saved from the lake of fire of hell and the sickness of the flesh.,


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