Warning, War

Message for the Nations IV: World War is Coming – McKana

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Message for the Nations IV: World War is Coming

(No one can say, “We are not warned”This is the warning)

July 17, 2024 11:35 AM

July 17, 2024

Matthew 24:37-39(KJV)

37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

1 Thessalonians 5:3 King James Version (KJV)

3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape

As what has been is what is going to be, the time of Noah is here again. “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9(KJV)

Just to mansion few points, the marauding planet(planet X, Wormwood) was here, it is coming again. Three days darkness was here, it is coming again. Jesus Christ, our Lord and our redeemer was resurrected from death, the dead in Christ will be resurrected soon. Enoch and Elijah were taken to heaven, the children of the Lord, the faithful will ascent to heaven with their new glorious body. The time of Noah was here, these days are like the time of Noah. Many events of greater proportion, good and bad are coming soon. Time is up!

It is our responsibility to warn the people. The entire world is busy with life, not listening to Almighty God, remains in the darkness until the dreaded events unfold. These days, these times are exactly like the time of Noah.

In order to measure whether the people are listening or not, primarily see what kind of life the world is living. Next, as an indicator, watch the number of visitors at the bottom of every message posted here, in this website. The people of the world are ~8billion. The population of the US is

~330million. The messages are for all, nor for few thousands. Our job is to tell what we are given as it is, with no change and with no delay. It is up to the people, the Nations and every human being in this entire world to hear, hear from the Lord, listen to the true messengers and the messages they have been delivering for year. In front of the Lord, there is no big one or small one, all are the same and loved the same way.

When Almighty God is speaking, making the calls loud and clear for centuries and much more recently, failure to listen to His repeated calls, giving deaf ears to the warnings, is sentencing hell, the lake of fire of hell on self, forever where there is no way out..

According to what we are instructed “Whether they listen or not, tell them.” After hearing from the Lord, if we don’t deliver the messages and the warnings on time, as we are give, the Lord seeks the blood of the perishing from our hands. If we deliver the message, the people are responsible for their actions, the measures the people take. The call again is-Listen to the loud and clear call of the Lord saying:-

“Come To Me!”Come To Me!” Come To Me!”

Most importantly, the reason for sending this stern warning is:-

  1. The Lord has been warning us, the little children repeatedly again and again for the last few years.

  2. The War, World War, the Global Nuclear War is very near, imminent.

  3. This word of the Lord will come to pass soon and the World War is inevitable, can’t be avoided. No nations, No leader(s), No authority can stop and avert this war-It is Judgment from God.

  4. If people REPENT, the Lord might relent and many can be spared and saved.

What the Lord has been telling us to let the world know is very true, some have came to pass, some are in progress and some are yet to come to pass soon.

Let no one think they can run and hide from the hands of Almighty God. No one can run from the Earth. If one runs from the bombs, will end up in the fire, from the fire to the pit, from the pit to the flood, from the flood to and to the system of the beast, to persecution etc etc. Death and snare


Starting from early 2015 until these last hours, the Lord has been giving me messages of warnings of all sorts. This section of the messages is about the soon coming Global Nuclear War. Let is go back in time and see the warnings the Lord has been giving us. Except one or two cases, the details of the warnings are not included. Man of them have been covered much earlier.

Note-When the Lord says next hour, next day, next week, it means the events warned of are coming soon. For a perfect reason, the Lord doesn’t give the exact time and date. Here is the story, fragmented but true messages.

  1. “Feed the Nations!”

    (Word given on February 18, 2023. 9:00PM) The Lord said,“Feed the Nations!”

    Word by word “My next command is, Feed the Nations”

    Feed the Nations mean, give them, deliver to them-the life saving messages, the word of God.

  2. War is Here!

    (April 13, 2024 8:52PM)

    I am instructed not to share the specific, stern warning the Lord gave me. In a nutshell the Lord warned war is here.

  3. “Next to come is world war”

    (March 19, 2024. 6:30AM)

    In the most chaotic morning, I heard the Lord say

    “Next to come is World War”

    The word given before this was about one specific country in Europe which I am instructed not to reveal, then world war follows. Read between the lines.

  4. The Land of America will burn!” (Word from the Lord. March 13, 2024. 3:33AM.) “The Land of America will burn!”

    In the meddle of the night, between 3:33-4:00AM, these are the words of the Lord given to deliver for all who listen,

    “This land will burn. My wrath is kindled” “I Repeat, America will burn”

    “The evil /the wicked will burn” “I will burn your grains”

    “Your food will be rationed” “This is from disobedience”

    This was the reason for the long, repeated calls by the Lord to repent and prepare. Now, we are in the time point of no return for destruction is here, it is at the door. The last call!!!

  5. Next week there will be Greater War.”

    February 1, 2024.9:30AM

    Jest few moments before taking shower preparing for morning prayer, I heard

    “Next week there will be Greater War.” next week with the Lord doesn’t mean literally next week, it means it is close.

    Considering the current development in the Middle East, the Red sea, the Gulf of Aden, Yemen, Iraq, the Gulf region and the ongoing war in the region, this warning bears a heavy weight. The world is in a state of war.

  6. This will start world war”

    (January 12, 2024. 9:15AM.)

    I was listening to the news about the attack on the Houthis of Yemen by US, UK and other coalition forces for their attack on the Red sea fleets of commercial ships. Then:-

    I heard “They are going to hit the frigates.”

    Yesterday, after the news of the attack, I heard “This will start world war”

  7. Vision of a hand about to push the Nuclear button.

    (Vision of January 17, 2024. 11:45AM)

    In a vision, I see the whole world from above. My point of focus is on Eastern Europe and the North pole. There is some activity in western Europe, in Great Britain. A spy plane/drone? is heading towards the North pole. To the right of the North pole, a little lower to the east, I see a device which is “Flame Red.” It is a Nuclear Button. The Flaming Red push button is clearly visible, looks big. The top of the button is flame Red and what holds it is greenish. A hand is moving fast towards the button to push it. From my point of view(from the south), the hand is swiftly moving from the right. Immediately before the dark hand touches the button, I received an understanding of the scope of the devastation it brings. I “felt” it is going to engulf the whole world. Then, I understood that it will brings devastation, fire and smoke to the Northern Hemisphere, all around the Northern Hemisphere. I see in this vision, smoke covering these regions.

    The hand is almost about to push the button of the big N, Weapon. When will this happen? We are very, very close. Everything looks so real as if it is going to happen now. Yes, we see in part and we prophesy in part.

    Who has the big N. weapon in the North pole, the Arctic region? of course it is Russia.

  8. War is coming, many are being recruited”

    (October 28, 2023. 2:30PM)

    I heard:-

    “War is coming, many are being recruited”

    As to my understanding, preparation is being made for the war. The atmosphere is tense, feels like war time.

    Doesn’t the time we are in says so?


    (July 19, 2023. 5:47AM)

    At 5:47AM, I hear the Lord say “I HAVE PREPARED ATROCITIES” this is judgment on the disobedient and the wicked

    Later in the day, the Lord said “Did I said something cruel?” making me think again of what the Lord said during my painful moment. The point is, people are accountable to all the evil they did. God is just God. Justice comes from the just God.

  10. War is coming to the Middle east (this has came to pass and in progress) (May 29, 2023, no time recorded)

    This is four months before the start of the war in the middle east.

    In a vision, I am in Israel walking by the side of a couple of men with army uniform, soldiers. I told them “war is coming to Israel and the war is going to be with Iran.” I told them to be prepared and

    tell to their men and people. They took me as one of them and wanted me to come to Israel. I am asking myself, if what they say is real, wondering.

    I felt I am transformed/translated to Israel to warn them. The vision dream didn’t last long, War is near.

  11. “The next few weeks will be nuclear”

    (June 21, 2023. 2:18PM)

    I heard “The next few weeks will be nuclear” Make a note, the timing of the Lord is not the timing of man. The point is, war is here.

  12. After next week, there will be world war”

    (March 28, 2023. 2:45PM)

    I was listening to a testimony about the Three Days of Darkness. In the middle, I heard:-

    “After next week, there will be world war” says the Holy Spirit. And I heard:-

    “You have to warn every one.”

  13. “They are going to attack the ships” (This has came to pass and in progress) (November 12, 2022, 4:00AM)

    This word is given a year before the Mediterranean and the Red sea crisis.

    On November 12, 2022, long past midnight at 4:00AM, while in deep sleep, I heard a voice say:-

    Liela/Lyla Project” and “The ships!

    I woke up from the alarming voice, trying to understand what it means, I heard a known prophetic person, say:-

    They are going to attack the ships”

    I wrote the word “Liela” as I heard it, new word for me, not sure if I have spelled it right and also understood it is related to feminine, beautiful, Lily, like a flower.

    I started goggling to find a meaning to it. This is what I found:”Lyla” also “Leila” meaning beauty or beautiful

  14. A flood of Red Blood from the US to the rest of the world.(This is war)

    (August 11, 2022 3:45PM)

    In a vision, I see the whole map of the US high from above. Something intense, flood of red, blood looking red started from the center of the US. It rose up like tower of water, with speed, covered the whole of the US and went further towards the east to the rest of the world. It is a flood of blood which originated form the US and went east to cover the rest of the world. I heard “All evil starts in the US and goes to the rest of the world”

    Last night, in my sleep, I heard a word which says “Give the messages as you see them!” The Lord has realized my hesitance of releasing the strange visions and dreams I am given.

  15. The nuclear weapons are ready, they can be fired at moments notice”

    (February 8,2022 2:15AM)

    This is a month before the start of the war between Ukraine and Russia.

    I saw in writing “Putin will invade Ukraine” I gave it time to test the truth. For sure Russia forces started a war exerciser in Belarus on February 9,2022.

    (February 10,2022 past 2:00AM)

    I heard “The nuclear weapons are ready, they can be fired at moments notice”

  16. An all out storm is coming”

    (July 31, 2018 2:00AM AND 2:00AM)

    I heard “A STORM IS COMING”.

    After two hours, I heard the same warning which says “A Storm is coming”. This time it was too frightening I woke up screaming three time “A storm is coming” “It is an all out out storm.

    1 Thessalonians 5:3 King James Version (KJV)

    3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

  17. The storm is coming

    January 1, 2017 ~8:00AM

    I heard a word saying “The storm is coming”

    For I know what is to follow, I took the warning for events foretold are to unfold soon

  18. The dark days are coming!!!

    (April 23, 2018)

    I heard “The dark days are coming!!!”

    In the middle of a very disturbed scene, a word came to me. I don’t exactly remember the word but it refers to the coming chaos. It will be chaotic from the destruction and I trails of destruction.

    It is coming. The dark days are coming. .

  19. We are closer to world war!!!”

    (12/22/2016 11:00PM)

    I heard the Lord say:-

    “We are closer to world war!!!”

    If war is close in 2026, how close is it now?

    Right now, war is knocking the door of every Nation and ever house.

  20. Global war is coming,

    (October 24, 2017. 1:30PM)

    A year ago, on January 14, 2016, I saw a two column of charts of what is to come. With people in the dim lighted room, the Lord is asking question about what the most concerning/pressing things of the world are, at the time. We were asked, we tried to answer and stumbled and then came the chart with two columns.

    The chart has events written on it about:-

    1. The economy, about a collapse. He agreed and recorded it.

    2. Then I said Global War, clearly on the board He wrote “World war”

    3. and The heavenly, the Lord coming soon.

      Again, with full and complete understanding of the events, I saw the two column chart again. In short, this is the time to expect all the prophetic events to come to pass.

  21. Chaos Number 5-War and Invasion is coming.

    (September 10, 2015)

    Consecutively with an interval of a week, the Lord showed me the five coming chaos. Chaos number five is war.

    I see a war plan loaded with big barrel like stuff. It is loaded on the back, not on the sides of the wing. It is big wide and long. Then the pane leaves the land far a far of destination towards the North East. I don’t know if the warplane made it to where it is supposed to go.

    Then I see many Chines soldiers in the jungle, in main land-North West. I am pointing to the soldiers, “look there are one thousand soldiers in the woods”. Before I finish talking, one of the Chines soldier hurled a pipe like small missile on the ground, horizontally. When it reached us, before

    it explodes, I pick it up and throw it back on them. Then the Chines run down South to the woods in mass-Invasion from the west.

  22. The Ugly Face of War.

(November 28, 2015 2:18 AM)

War in Eastern Europe, and Asia minor (Eurasia)

This is very intense. A power descended on me, very, heavy and I am under intense power and pressure. It is a reading, to read for understanding.

I am reading it and the page is read for me. I am reading and understanding it very swiftly. I understand the content, there are many details. It is like downloading it on me. I don’t remember the whole detail. The letters of the writing fall from the pages like an army descending down to the south, in the direction, the flow of a huge force.

There is going to be a big war. A big war in Eastern Europe, in Eurasia. The conflict is so big.

The word says 1.5million people(one and half million) will die in one day”. There is a force descending from the North towards the South and encompasses many areas. Black see, old Asia minor and down South.

I heard clearly and with good understanding the number of deaths of the people in one day. Due to the intensity of the whole scenario, I don’t feel comfortable and tried to wake up but pressed down and kept on for a while. The time God knows.

In 2013 the word was “There will be war in 2015” this has came to pass.

Now in 2015, with the same tone, “1.5million people will die in one day”

In Conclusion

A devastating Global Nuclear War is here.

It comes suddenly when every one is busy with their life like any other regular day. The enemy is ready, it will be deadly, mass causality.

To be Ready is primarily to Repent.

The Only option left for all humanity is to Repent, forgive and be saved.

Repent, Repent, Repent!



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