
Meaning of Life – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Meaning of Life

9/26/24 8:44 PM


Life is what we make out of it. Some of my children find the true meaning of life almost immediately on their walk (but few). Others muddle thru life making many mistakes and falling into many pitfalls. They are greedy, dishonest, self-righteous, unloving, and totally misdirected, as their sin permeates their body and soul. They wonder why things never seem to work out for them. Some ponder why they are unhappy, even though financially they are rich. Each have different circumstances, but their soul is empty, lacking the sustenance I Am can give them.

Lessons learned are far and few between, for they go down the same corrupt path which leads nowhere. Until they regear their priorities, they continue on the same hamster wheel, covering the same ground over and over again. Some will eventually wake-up to the error of their ways, coming close to their creator. As each soul evolves, they become cognizant of what has worked in the past, and what has not. Changes are made to accommodate these lessons learned. Not all will have that ah ha moment, but when they do, their life becomes one with their creator.

Each person on this planet has free will to choose what direction(s) they wish to take. Everything is connected to choices made, whether good or bad. Your choices can be changed at any time while on Earth. I wait for your soul to merge with mine in righteousness, love and giving to others. For everything else is hollow, that is not of me.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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