Mayhem In The Grocery Store
August 15, 2021
Melisa May
So my husband J had a vision a few nights ago. We have tried to go live twice but it isn’t working so I’m writing this out.
So my husband saw a News anchor interviewing a woman on TV. They were being interviewed in front of a grocery store. There was a lot of mayhem in the background and a scene of people panicking trying to buy as much as they could! The woman was telling the news anchor “They only gave us 3 hours to get everything we needed before they lock us down. It’s not enough time. It’s not enough time.”
End of dream.
As you know I have been warning that another possible lockdown is coming in fall. I have been warning you to stock up on food and water and non perishable items. I believe a more severe lockdown is coming as well as food shortages. As always take my husbands dreams to to the Lord in prayer. The clock is ticking. Get your houses in order because the next lockdown is not going to be pleasant. In his vision all stores were closing down. I also believe this will open Seal #3.
Original Article Can Be Found Here