Matthew 7:19
11/2/24 11:31 AM
The axe is already at the root and every tree that is not bearing fruit shall be cut down and thrown into the fire. This is talking about believers, not the world. The Word states that the world is condemned already because of their unbelief. But God is looking for the fruit in those that profess to believe, yet they are not producing fruit and these shall be cut down.
Multitudes have fallen away already because they have itching ears. Many have already had their root cut off and they don’t even know it. They are going to church every Sunday, but they are not living for The Lord, but are living their own lives apart from His will and principles.
The angels are separating the chaff from the wheat. The wheat will be stored in the barns and the chaff will be burned up in the Presence of His coming.
Furthermore—judgement has begun in the house of the Lord and judgement has been ongoing in His house…and the lukewarm are about to be spewed out of His mouth.
And yes, the world’s judgement has begun.