9/24/24 12:50 PM
Anointed Melody
Sep 24 2024-I dreamed that I saw a man crawling low on the ground, perhaps in a desert like area, not sure. He crept by gorillas in a fashion as if to let them know they were dominant and he meant them no harm. He kept going and ran into an open area and a man with a rapid fire type of gun shot him many times and he died. The shooter hated him greatly. I understood the deceased was a Christian.
Then in the next dream, I saw a man named Stephen say, “I’m going home”. A girl named Michelle (represents God) yelled, “What is wrong with you?” facing towards another direction and away from the man as if speaking to an audience. To stop here,
I believe these dreams represent current and soon coming martyrdom. Stephen was the first Christian martyr. I believe the girl represents God and in the dream it felt like God was angry at Christians because they are still living worldly lives and not aware of the things that are coming and are not praying for the persecuted. I believe it was likely worldwide the martyrdom and that the main shooters were Islamic extremists as I mention next.
In the next dreams, I had a long dream about a lot of Islamic terrorism. I forgot details but in the next dream, I was forced to work a food line by the Islamic extremists without pay. There was segregation as if the line was just for Christians and another for everybody else. A seemingly good man appeared and said to eat less. Stopping here, I feel that the Islamic extremists have been responsible for much persecution around the world against Christians. Of course, others persecute them too but it seems they may be the main ones and it seems they might be the primary ones responsible in the future. Christians will be much hated in the future world. The good man in the dream was reminding Christians to fast and pray and live pure holy lives. Then I dreamed I was in a store buying jewelry type items. I put most back as too expensive or weird symbols. But I kept a cross necklace or ring and even though it was expensive I thought to buy it. (Meaning to obtain salvation in Christ at any cost and hang on to it no matter the cost). Then I was in a Christian workplace. There was a back yard of sorts through a glass window inside the building as if the building was built around it. I walked in and was surprised there was a yard and I said, “Is that a real squirrel?” I apparently had worked there a long time ago but I forgot how to do a timesheet and other things. Someone said I did it all myself at one time. I think this dream was saying that Christians need to remember the primary things like fasting, prayer, faith, holiness, etc. for the coming times and perhaps will go underground. Then the dream sequence ended with a weird dream. I was in a car with two male actors, one George Clooney and a friend/coworker of his he if often seen with. I forgot who. I was in the back seat with a girl whose name means wisdom/elevated place. Whoever was driving, it was as if he turned the car on purpose off the road and then leaned over his friend as if to brace for impact. One or both of the men were not fully dressed. In a panic, I took the wheel, and I felt we were going through clouds and then we were falling. The girl yelled, “We are in the water!!” (emphasizing the “are”) as we hit. I woke up then. George means farmer and his middle name Timothy means to fear/honor God. I felt this last dream means that there are insiders responsible for much destruction and things going on in the US even among pastors and church leaders. I’ve received nothing further from the Lord about these dreams. I feel to release it though to ask others to pray for those around the world being persecuted. I’ve had at least two other dreams the past few weeks that indicate many will be going home soon. Pray God prepare those appointed for martyrdom. Pray all Christians leave their worldly lives behind and focus on holiness. Pray against all the evil in the world.