9/14/24 8:25 PM
Handmaid of the Most High
Received Friday, September 13, 2024 6:00 PM
About two or more hours later (after vision – see “Next Phase Coming, Be Ready” during a conversation with a brother, we were talking about El Paso, TX. The Holy Spirit warned that this is a very dangerous area today. I was given a flash vision of the U.S. map and I saw El Paso marked with a large red button with a yellow center and I heard the sound of a blaring horn. The horn warned of great danger for those living in this area like one hears in the Midwest when weather conditions are such that a tornado may be present.
In the coming days, many from all over South America will head north seeking food. I absolutely know nothing going on in this region currently (news wise) except the power of the drug cartels and the challenges for many to live normal lives in places like Venezuela and Columbia due to their corruption and control. While many will expect better days by going “El Norte”. Meanwhile, there will be people with means and physical abilities will seek escape from the U.S. and Canada by heading southward hoping to escape the high costs of living and disasters plaguing North America. The older, moneyed elite loyalists will go to Brazil and Argentina to escape the unraveling of the American lifestyle.
One thing all these have in common – none will escape the Judgment of God on their lives!
You will reap what you sow. Those who have sown to the wind will reap the whirlwind. Galatians 6:7-8, Hosea 8:7
This week on JWtv channel on youtube, a government insider was talking about how Washington D.C. is being emptied out in preparation for a nuclear attack. If you don’t know, you may want to learn why, our capital isn’t technically a city, nor located in a specific state. The spiritual significance of it being “The District of Columbia” and studying the Freemason symbology of its layout is worth researching.
Additionally, I learned this week that the U.N. Headquarters has been in the process of moving their NYC headquarter operations to Kenya. Why isn’t this in our national news coverage?
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Lord God Almighty says “Time’s Up!”
*Prayer Request – Please pray that I will be healed of the infection that has been impacting me for more than 6 weeks, I have been on medication which helped temporarily, upon completion it returned and running a high fever. Additionally, I received a bad report regarding my many spine issues, this week. I am planning several different strategies to deal with the terrific pain I experience despite very strong medication interventions. I know the demonic realm is using these challenges to further intensify my pain and there are nights I get nearly no sleep at all. Thank you!
GET ANY MONEY OUT OF BANK! Buy Silver!!! Water…Eliz. Marie is right. October will be horrible. The banks are sending signals about things falling apart – Chase Manhattan and Lehman or Bank of Am. == Jamie Dimond – he is a big one and he said something Friday, they are all ready to go.
~Handmaid of the Most High~ Acts 2:17-18
Photos courtesy Depositphotos