Dream, Rapture, Word

leave this world to return home – BRIDEOFYESHUA-RS


leave this world to return home

September 8, 2021 11:07 PM


I had a dream this early morning:

In the dream, I was combing my hair, there is a big pile of hair on my left side, just as a big soup bowl size, every time I comb, there were some hairs left on the comb, but each time less than last time.

Then, somehow, in the dream, I knew that I was going to leave this world soon, and I re-put the things of my house in order that I had already done before, and then, my mother came in to help me with the things that I had already done.

In the dream, I knew very clearly that I would soon be leaving this world.

After waking up, there has been a voice repeatedly from inside, says: leave this world to return home, rapture will be happen soon,rapture will be happen soon,rapture will be happen soon.

I prayed and asked the Lord about this dream, this is the interpretation I have received. Please take it in prayer and examine it.

Combing hair represents cleaning up; the great mass of hair on my left side represents all the things belong to this world, not belong to God have been cleaned up;

Each time had hairs on the comb after combing, but each time had less hair on it than last time, it means that the things belong to this world are being cleaned up all the time, and all the things belong to this world will be less than last time after being cleaned up each time.

In the dream, I represent Christians who are ready, who have put their spiritual houses in order, those true children of God, who know the day when they will return home is very near, and know the day of the Lord’s return is near.

My mom in my dream represents the Holy Spirit, HE checks on God’s children at these last moment to make sure they are ready.

God richly Bless,



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