Keep your eyes on ME
Dec 20, 2019 9:46 AM
Melinda Goss
Good morning brothers and sisters I received an amazing word from Our Lord this morning and am led to share.. may it bless you as it has blessed me Much love Your Sister in Christ.
The glory of the Lord is upon thee.
What do you seek?
What do you want to know?
I hover to and fro looking for those who diligently seek ME.
You are not alone!
I am with you!
Be prepared MY bride, judgment comes soon, but MY joy is never ending.
In the midst of the storm seek ME.
Do not look to man, seek ME.
I am hovering and covering you.
Do not lose hope.
Be still in the midst of the storms, for I Am with you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Keep your eyes on ME, always on ME.
Lean not on your own understanding.
Lean not on the ways of man.
Look to ME!
Set your heart before ME.
Let go, I AM in control. Shine, Shine, Shine like the sun, for MY glory is upon you.
I AM yours and you are MINE forever.