Judgment, Prophecy, REPENT


Photos courtesy Depositphotos


10/7/24 1:18 PM
Raquel Burgesson

Word received from Elohim, Spirit of the Living GOD October 1, 2024

The world is not PREPARED for what’s COMING! Have I not spoken? Have I not spoken to My Prophets? I have been speaking to My Prophets and giving them WARNINGS of JUDGEMENTS that are coming for some time. But who will listen? So many turn a death ear to the WARNINGS that are given! I have given fair warning, but the people, THE PEOPLE WILL NOT LISTEN! THE PEOPLE OF THESE NATIONS ARE REBELLIOUS! They are hard of hearing! The PEOPLE ONLY WANT TO HEAR GOOD THINGS, things that tickle their ears. Have they not read of the PROPHETS OF OLD who pronounced My Judgements?!? They did not come to tickle anyone’s ears, they always came to SPEAK WHAT THUS SAYETH THE LORD! The people of today they don’t want to hear these words, they only want to hear how they can prosper, how good they are, how blessed they’ll be/or become! They want to hear of riches and fame! This is why they flock to the Prosperity Floggers, so their ears can be tickled. I AM NOT in that mess! Time is short. All MEN EVERYWHERE MUST REPENT! My Hand is swift~It’s swift to REPAY! Judgement is here! These times that have been spoken about~ these times that I warned about~ THEY ARE HERE! JUDGEMENT IS HERE! Don’t wonder anymore! Don’t wonder any longer! You will see MORE JUDGEMENTS TAKE PLACE. THE NATIONS HAVE FALLEN UNDER MY JUDGEMENT. For those of you who are in doubt, I say to you this day READ OF ME FURTHER! For you do not know ME, if you knew Me you wouldn’t doubt! I AM A GOD JUDGEMENT~ I AM A GOD OF LOVE AND I AM A GOD OF WRATH! If the NATIONS continue in the pathway of UNREPENTANCE, then I will continue to visit. My way is not understood by most and I don’t expect them to, FOR I AM GOD, I AM ALL THERE IS! I REQUIRE REPENTANCE, THE PEOPLE WON’T REPENT! They/Some REPENT when disaster strikes. That’s when some know Me, they know who to call on. AM I only good for when disaster strikes~ But otherwise the people don’t know ME? I tell you today ALL WILL KNOW WHO I AM. EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW BEFORE ME.








4.52 pm, October 1, 2024

Then the Lord pauses for a while then continues, but I combined the words….


Forsake the idolatry of Men …. Men today put Men above Me!…..I AM a jealous GOD! The wickedness of these nations are a pungent stench before ME. SO many wonder how could a loving God allow so many disasters and destruction? I hear the questions come before My Ear….And I say to these PEOPLE where were You when these nations turned their back on Me? On My People? Where were you when I created the earth? I AM CREATOR! Who are You to question ME? I created the Heavens and the Earth! I created MANKIND, but Mankind turned their back on Me? Where AM I in your Schools? Where AM I in your Workplaces? In your Government? They try and silence My Name! They try and silence My Name from being Spoken! They call evil good and good evil. They pass laws that are an Abomination in My Eyes! They MURDER the INNOCENT, the BABIES. Their blood cries out to Me from the ground.. They harvest souls and sell off to the highest bidder. INNOCENT CHILDREN are STOLEN from under their mother’s noses. The INNOCENT are TRAFFICKED and are SEEN NO MORE! Some of their organs are cut out of their bodies and used for the highly privileged. These are things that are done behind closed doors~ But I SEE! I know just who is RESPONSIBLE~ THE CONNECTIONS, THE HIGHER UPPERS. The ONES who portray two faces.They think their underground bunkers will save them, how wrong they are! I will unveil it all! I will destroy their hidden places, their bunkers where detestable acts are performed. Don’t these people know who I AM? THEY ARE NOT HIGHER THAN I! But their high thinking has them thinking they are untouchable! I am THE LORD no one is untouchable! I will unveil the masks also, I said I will reveal it all! No more hidden agendas, no more hiding behind masks, behind two faces! I KNOW WHERE THEIR UNDERGROUND TUNNELS ARE, where even more abominations take place! These are people who don’t believe I exist! They shall know that I do exist and THAT I AM THAT I AM! I see ALL that is being done behind closed doors. There are CRIMES that ARE NOT SPOKEN ABOUT~ THAT ARE HIDDEN CRIMES. These go UNPUNISHED BEFORE A COURT OF LAW because they think they are privileged! I see the highly occultic, satanic priests who mark their calenders for the High moon. I see when they come out in the dark, wee hour of the mornings to make their sacrifices. I see the detestable things they do which they think is going to give them power and clout. It’s despicable! While they are doing this lives are being lost, the ‘Innocent Murdered.’ Some do not realize the power game here and the gods that are worshipped to gain the type of clout they yearn and hunger for, but the ‘Innocent Suffer,’ due to their cravings. They crave for blood. This is pure wickedness in My Eyes. What goes on in the dark I see, but what goes in the dark must come out in the light. This is wickedness in High places. MURDER, MURDER, MURDER~ It is NOT JUST PHYSICAL, BUT MENTAL. Some have had heinous crimes done to them that they don’t speak about or that they can’t speak about. I AM A GOD of VENGEANCE~ I REPAY also for the hidden crimes. People do not see what I see. I AM OMNISCIENT!!! Nothing is HIDDEN from Me. Judgment has to occur~ JUDGEMENT BRINGS ORDER! I know why I bring Judgment and the reasons thereof! Those who question My ways are foolish! They are a foolish People! Read of Me, READ I SAY OF ME! LEARN OF ME AND THE PERCEIVED JUDGEMENTS I BROUGHT ABOUT IN THE OLD. Then perhaps you will have a better understanding of Me!




………….Look Up for I Come Sayeth The Lord of Hosts!

***Judgment is not to harm but to prepare you for His arrival for the time draws nigh!***

5.30 pm, Oct 1, 2024

Jeremiah 12:17
But if any nation does not listen, I will completely uproot and destroy it,” declares the LORD.

Luke 21:26
People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.

Matthew 24:37-39
As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away.

Isaiah 45:22-23
Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other. 23 By myself I have sworn, my mouth has uttered in all integrity a word that will not be revoked: Before me every knee will bow; by me every tongue will swear.

Isaiah 9:13
But the people have not returned to him who struck them, nor have they sought the LORD Almighty.

Ezekiel 18:32 For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Lord GOD; so turn, and live.”

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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