Vision, Word

Jehovah-nissi – Patti Young


April 25, 2022
Patti Young

The Lord began to speak ” The enemies time is short, and I will declare my vengeance upon my enemies. Do not fear my little one for am I not your rear guard? Who can stand up against the Almighty One? Servants of the most High are but a few, discord is amongst the brethern. Whom do they believe, content with man and his ways or servitude unto me? Be still my little Ones, for an hour that you think not, the Lion of Judah shall roar with a mighty manifestation of my Greatness and power. Be still before me, yet for a little while, for soon the earth shall reel to and fro and shall cause mighty ones to fall. It is by my hand alone that I shall bring this forth. The heavens shall open up and the clouds of my witnesses shall gather as I call down the Latter rain upon all the nations and lands and peoples. I say unto you Victory is ahead.” Then the Lord gave me a vision 3 times, I saw a horse and Jesus was on it carrying a banner waving it back and forth , and behind him were others as he led his army to battle.

Original Article Can Be Found Here


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